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Publications on Dante: Joan M. Ferrante

(compiled by Otfried Lieberknecht)

N.B.: This list needs to be completed and revised
[Books] [Articles] [Book reviews]


  1. Woman as Image in Medieval Literature. From the 12th Century to Dante. New York & London: Columbia UP, 1975, 166 pp.

  2. [co-editor]: *In Pursuit of Perfection: Courtly Love in Medieval Literature. A collaborative Study by the Editors Joan M. Ferrante & George D. Economou [et al.], Port Washington (New York) & London: Kennikat Press, 1975 (= National University Publications, Series in Literary Criticism)

  3. The Political Vision of the Divine Comedy, Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton UP, 1984, ix+392 pp.
    • Electronic version of chapters 2, 3, and 6, by Jennifer Hogan:
    • Reviews:
      • Ronald B. Herzman, Italica 63,3 (1986), p.306-310
      • Richard Kay, Speculum 61,4 (1986), p.925-927
      • Richard Lansing, Criticism 28,1 (1986), p.105-107
      • Charles Till Davis, Dante, the Judge of the Secular World, in: Mediaevalia et Humanistica 14 (1986), p.207-219
      • Prudence Shaw, Times Literary Supplement (31 January 1986), p. 122
      • Franco Suitner, Lettere Italiane 38,3 (1986), p.442-444
      • Steven Botterill, Comparative Literature 39 (1987), p.213-217
      • J. A. Watt, Italian Studies 42 (1987), p.111-112
      • Ruggero Stefanini, La visione politica della Divina Commedia; a proposito di un libro ricente, in: Aevum 62,2 (1988), p.259-285
      • Patrick Rumble, Quaderni d'Italianistica 10,1-2 (1989), p.341-342

  4. Dante's Beatrice: Priest of an Androgynous God. Binghamton (New York): Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1992 (= Occasional papers, 2), 32 pp.


  1. «Malebolge» (Inf. XVIII-XXX) as the Key to the Structure of Dante's Inferno. In: Romance Philology 20 (1967), p.456-466

  2. The Relation of Speech to Sin in the Inferno. In: Dante Studies 87 (1967), p.33-46

  3. Florence and Rome, The Two Cities of Man in The Divine Comedy. In: *The Early Renaissance [ed. by Aldo S. Bernardo]. Acta [Proceedings of SUNY Regional Conferences in Medieval Studies], Vol. V, 1978 (Binghamton (New York): Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies), p.1-19

  4. Some Thoughts on the Application of Modern Critical Methods to Medieval Literature. In: Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 28 (1979), p.5-9

  5. Was Vernacular Poetic Practice a Response to Latin Language Theory? In: Romance Philology 35,4 (1982), p.586-600

  6. Words and Images in the Paradiso: Reflections of the Divine. In: *Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio. Studies in the Italian Trecento. In Honor of Charles S. Singleton, edited by Aldo S. Bernardo and Anthony L. Pellegrini, Binghamton (N.Y.) 1983 (= Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 22), p.115-132; it. Parole e immagini nel Paradiso, in: *Studi americani su Dante, a cura di Gian Carlo Alessio e Robert Hollander, introduzione di Dante Della Terza, Milano: Franco Angeli, 1989, p.203-219

  7. «Farai un vers de dreyt rien»: The Craft of the Early Trobadors. In: *Vernacular Poetics in the Middle Ages, edited by Lois Ebin, Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1984 (= Western Michigan University, Studies in Medieval Culture, 16), p.93-128

  8. [co-author with Donald R. Howard and Robert E. Kaske:] Charles Southward Singleton. In: Speculum 61,3 (1986), p.765-767

  9. Good Thieves and Bad Thieves: A Reading of Inferno XXIV. In: Dante Studies 104 (1986), p.83-98

  10. Usi e abusi della Bibbia nella letteratura medievale. In: *Dante e la Bibbia. Atti del Convegno Internazionale promosso da «Biblia», Firenze, 26-27-28 settembre 1986, a cura di Giovanni Barblan. Firenze: Olschki, 1988 (= Biblioteca dell'«Archivum Romanicum» I/210), p.213-225

  11. Images of the Cloister - Haven or Prison. In: Mediaevalia 12 (1989 [for 1986]), p.57-66

  12. The Bible as Thesaurus for Secular Literature. In: *The Bible in the Middle Ages: Its Influence on Literature and Art, ed. Bernard S. Levy, Binghamton (NY): MRTS, 1992 (= medieval & renaissance texts & studies, 89), p.23-49

  13. Why Did Dante Write the Comedy? In: Dante Studies 111 (1993), p.9-18

  14. A Poetics of Chaos and Harmony. In: Rachel Jacoff (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Dante, Cambridge & New York: Cambridge UP, 1993, repr. 1994, chap. 10

Book reviews:

  1. [Review of: Glauco Cambon, Dante's Craft: Studies in Language and Style. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969]
    In: Renaissance Quarterly 24 (1971), p.49-51

  2. [Review of: The Divine Comedy. Translated, with a commentary, by Charles S. Singleton, I: Inferno, Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton UP, 1970 (= Bollingen Series, 80)]
    In: Renaissance Quarterly 24 (1971), p.518-519

  3. [Review of:] *The Meaning of Courtly Love. Papers of the first annual conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, March 17-18, 1967. Edited by F. X. Newman, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1968]
    In: Romanic Review 43 (1972), p.42-43

  4. [Review of: Robert Hollander, Allegory in Dante's Comedy, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1969]
    In: Italica 49,2 (1972), p.252-254

  5. [Review of: Thomas Goddard Bergin, Invito alla Divina Commedia, Bari: Adriatica Editrice, 1971 (= Biblioteca di filologia romanza, 20)]
    In: Italica 51 (1974), p.366-368

  6. [Review of: Gian Roberto Sarolli, Prolegomena alla Divina Commedia, Firenze: Olschki, 1971 (= Biblioteca dell'«Archivum Romanicum», I/112)]
    In: Speculum 50 (1975), 149-152

  7. [Review of:] Dante's Inferno. Translated with notes and commentary by Mark Musa, Bloomington & London: Indiana UP, 1971; Vita Nuova. A translation and an essay, by Mark Musa. A new edition. Bloomington & London: Indiana UP, 1973]
    In: Romance Philology 29 (1976), p.380-384

  8. [Review of: Luis Jenaro-MacLennan, The Trecento Commentaries on the «Divine Commedia» and the Epistle to Cangrande, Oxford: Oxford UP, 1974]
    In: Romance Philology 30 (1977), p.555-556

  9. [Review of:] Marianne Shapiro, Woman Earthly and Divine in the 'Comedy' of Dante, Lexington (Kentucky): UP of Kentucky, 1975 (= Studies in Romance Languages, 12)]
    In: Italica 54 (1977), p.320-323

  10. [Review of:] *Italian Literature, Roots and Branches. Essays in Honor of Thomas Goddard Bergin. Edited by Giose Rimanelli and Kenneth John Atchity, New Haven & London: Yale UP, 1976]
    In: Renaissance Quarterly 31 (1978), p.209-211

  11. [Review of: *Versions of Medieval Comedy. Edited and with an introduction by Paul G. Ruggiers, Norman (Oklahoma): University of Oklahoma Press, 1977]
    In: Western Humanities Review 33 (1979), p.87-89

  12. [Review of: Giuseppe Mazzotta, Dante, Poet of the Desert: History and Allegory in the Divine Comedy. Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton UUP, 1979]
    In: Renaissance Quarterly 33 (1980), p.735-737

  13. [Review of: The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, I. Inferno. A verse translation, with introduction and commentary, by Allen Mandelbaum. Drawings by Barry Moser. Berkeley & Los Angeles & London: University of California Press, 1980]
    In: Renaissance Quarterly 35,3 (1982), p.452-455

  14. [Review of: Ernest L. Fortin, Dissidence et philosophie au moyen âge: Dante et ses antécédents. Montréal: Bellarmin / Paris: J. Vrin, 1981 (= Cahiers d'études médiévales, 6)]
    In: Renaissance Quarterly 35,4 (1982), p.595-598

  15. [Review of: Michelangelo Picone, «Vita Nuova» e tradizione romanza, Padova: Liviana, 1979 (= Ydioma Tripharium, 5)]
    In: Speculum 75,2 (1982), p.408-410

  16. [Review of: Ricardo J. Quinones, Dante Alighieri, Boston: Twayne, Division of G.K. Hall, 1979 (= TWAS 563)]
    In: Speculum, 75,2 (1982), p.452

  17. [Review of: James Thomas Chiampi, Shadowy Prefaces: Conversion and Writing in the 'Divine Comedy', Ravenna: Longo, 1981]
    In: Speculum 59,1 (1984), p.129-131

  18. [Review of: Paul Priest, Dante's Incarnation of the Trinity. Ravenna: Longo, 1982]
    In: Romance Philology 38,1 (1984), p.114-117

  19. [Review of: Richard A. Shoaf, Dante, Chaucer, and the Currency of the Word: Money, Images, and Reference in Late Medieval Poetry, Norman (Oklahoma): Pilgrim Books, 1983]
    In: Romance Philology 39,3 (1986), p.393-396

  20. [Review of: Furio Brugnolo, Plurilinguismo e lirica medievale da Raimbaut de Vaqueiras a Dante. Roma: Bulzoni, 1983 (= Seminario Romanzo, 2)]
    In: Romance Philology 41,1 (1987), p.98-100

  21. [Review of: Stewart Farnell, The Political Ideas of 'The Divine Comedy': An Introduction, Lanham (Maryland) & London: University Press of America, 1985]
    In: Romance Philology 42,4 (1989), p.502-503

  22. [Review of: Peter Dronke, Dante and Medieval Latin Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986]
    In: Romance Philology 44,4 (1991), p.506-508

  23. [Review of: Robert Pogue Harrison, The Body of Beatrice, Baltimore (Maryland) & London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1988]
    In: Renaissance Quarterly 44,2 (1991), p.342-344

  24. [Review of: Susan Noakes, Timely Reading: Between Exegesis and Interpretation, Ithaca (New York) & London: Cornell UP, 1988]
    In: Studies in the Age of Chaucer 13 (1991), p.224-227

  25. [Review of: Jeffrey Th. Schnapp, The Transfiguration of History at the Center of Dante's Paradise, Princeton/New York: Princeton UP, 1986]
    In: Romance Philology 45,3 (1992), p.460-462

28 July 1997

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