16 January 1381

[Income from the following sources] shall be put safely away, without taking anything out of it, so that the mayor and community may use the revenues for a purchase which shall be to the profit of the community: all money arising from [sale of] merchandize called "host's parts" which was above granted to the benefit of the community; the money issuing from rental of stalls by St. Margaret's church; the rents from waste land near the South Gates; the rents once belonging to John Burghard, now in the hands of the community; and also the reversions of rents belonging to the community after the death of various folk (who inherited them for the term of their lives). Exceptions to these are: the [normal] deductions from the profits of the said houses and stalls; the life annuity due to Thomas de Keninghale; the salary of two priests celebrating in the Charnel for the souls of John, his wife and his children. These revenues shall be in the safekeeping of the chamberlains, who shall render account for them when mayor and community order it.

[The intent was probably to use the money put aside to buy real estate, rents from which would increase the annual revenues of the borough. Keninghale was Burghard's son-in-law.]