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Old Spanish 8

6.8 Pues non querades semeiar a ellos, ca sabe uuestro Padre lo que auedes mester o lo quel pedides.

No os hagais, pues, semejantes a ellos; porque vuestro Padre sabe de que cosal teneis necesidad, antes que vosotros le pidais.

nolite ergo adsimilari eis; scit enim Pater vester quibus opus sit vobis antequam petatis eum.

Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Pues = so

non querades semeiar = ??? a ellos = like them

ca = for sabe = ?? uuestro Padre = your Father

lo que = that which

auedes = verb, conjugated second person pl.  ???

mester = before??

o lo quel pedides = you petition for them.   note similarity pedides :: petatis

Old Spanish 9

6.9 Pues assi oraredes: Nuestro Padre que eres en los cielos: santiguado sea tu nombre.

Vosotros, pues, orareis asi: Padre nuestro que estas en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre.

sic ergo vos orabitis: Pater noster qui in caelis es sanctificetur nomen tuum.

Thus therefore shall you pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Pues = so

assi = thus

oraredes = pray.  Shall/should?

Nuestro = our

Padre = Father

que = Who

eres = art. 2d sg. present of verb to be.

en los cielos = in heaven

santiguado = hallowed, sanctified

sea = be. Subjunctive.

tu nombre = Thy name.

NB: Spanish nouns have a tendency to come from the oblique case (= stem) of the noun.  NB: hombre <- homine, nombre <- nomine. Where would hambre hunger come from.  Trick question. If you got that one, try hembra female.

Old Spanish 10

6.10 Venga el to regno. Sea tu uoluntat, assi en tierra cuemo es en el cielo.

Venga tu reino. Hagase tu voluntad, como en el cielo, asi tambien en la tierra.

veniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Venga = come

el to regno = Thy kingdom. Note use of article.

Sea = may be. Subjunctive.

tu uoluntat = thy will

assi = just as

en tierra = on earth

cuemo = as

es = it is

en el cielo = in heaven. Note article.

NB: Note all those Spanish breakings: ie <- short e, ue < short o.  Not variations from Modern Spanish, e.g. cuemo :: comon <- quomodo. You have to get medieval at times; you can't derive cielo from caelum, but, then, in the Middle Ages we have celum anyway, so we can have those etymologies: Why is sky called celum? Because it hides (celare) everything under it.

Old Spanish 11

6.11 Nuestro pan cutidiano nos da oy.

El pan nuestro de cada dia, danoslo hoy.

panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Nuestro = our. Note breaking.

pan = bread

cutidiano = daily

nos = us

da = give. Imperative.

oy = today. Note that ModSp (in spelling) has recovered the Latin h- of hodie. Oy gevalt!

Old Spanish 12

6.12 E perdona a nos nuestros debdos, assi cuemo nos perdonamos a nuestros debdores.

Y perdonanos nuestras deudas, como tambien nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores.

et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimisimus debitoribus nostris.

And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.

E = and. Note again e for y.

perdona = pardon

a nos = to us

nuestros debdos = our debts.  Notice what ModSp has done to the weak b.

assi cuemo = just as

nos perdonamos = we pardon

a nuestros debdores = our debtors.  Note a for future reference.

Old Spanish 13

6.13 E no nos trayas a temptacion, mas libra nos de mal.

Y no nos metas en tentacion, mas libranos del mal.

et ne inducas nos in temptationem, sed libera nos a malo.

And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil.

E = and

no = negative

nos = us

trayas = lead, draw

a temptacion = to temptation

mas = but

libra = free

nos = us

de mal = from evil.

Old Spanish 14

6.14 Ca si uos perdonaredes a los ombres sos pecados, perdonara a uos uuestro Padre celestial uuestros pecados.

Porque si perdonais a los hombres sus ofensas, os perdonara tambien a vosotros vuestro Padre celestial.

si enim dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum, dimittet et vobis Pater vester caelestis peccata vestra.

For if you will forgive men their offences, your heavenly Father will forgive you also your offences.

Ca = for

si = if

uos = you.  Must be you plural.  We had _tu_.

perdonaredes = forgive

a los ombres = men.  Note article and preposition.

sos pecados = their sins

perdonara = will forgive

a uos = you

uuestro = your.  Should be spelled vuestro.

Padre celestial = heavenly Father

uuestros pecados = your sins.

Old Spanish 15

6.15 E si uos non perdonaredes a los ombres, non perdonara Dios a uos.

mas si no perdonais a los hombres sus ofensas, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonara vuestras ofensas. si autem non dimiseritis hominibus, nec Pater vester dimittet vobis peccata vestra.

But if you will not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your offences.

E = and

si = if

uos = y'all

non perdonaredes = do not forgive

a los ombres = men

non = negative

perdonara = will forgive

Dios = God

a uos = you. Note preposition.

NB: Those familiar with ModSp will note the preposition a.  We cannot always tell whether this follows the ModSp usage (if the direct object is a person, it is preceded by an a) or this is a marking of the indirect object.  If you do know Modern Spanish, be careful.  The OSp usage is different.  But, then, you knew that. Watch out for faux amis also.

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