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A Guide to the Sources of Late Antique
and Medieval Hagiography

Compiled by Thomas Head
Hunter College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Contents: 1) The primary sources; 2) Guides to the saints; 3) Guides to hagiographic literature; 4) Guides to iconography; 5) General works in hagiographic scholarship; 6) Some useful catalogues of manuscripts.

1. The primary sources.

1/1. Some major collections of hagiographic sources.

Sanctuarium seu Vitae sanctorum, ed. Boninus Mombritius (Bonino Mombrizio), 2 vols. (Milan, ca. 1477; reprint edition, Paris, 1910).

De probatis sanctorum historiis ed. Laurentius Surius (Laurence Suhr), 6 vols. and index (first edition, Cologne, 1570-75; second edition, 1576-1581; third edition, Venice, 1581). Fourth editon: De probatis sanctorum vitis, 12 volumes (Cologne, 1618). Fifth edition: Historiae seu Vitae sanctorum . . ., 13 vols. (Marieta, 1875-1880). (Organized by liturgical calendar.)

Acta primorum martyrym sincera et selecta . . ., ed. Th. Ruinart (Paris, 1689). Second edition: Antwerp, 1713. Third edition: Verona, 1731. Fourth edition: Augsburg, 1802-3. Fifth edition: Regensburg, 1859.

Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, eds. Jean Bolland, et al, (original ed., 67 vols., Antwerp and Brussels, 1643-1940; second edition, 43 vols., Venice; third edition, 60 vols., Paris). (Organized by liturgical calendar.) Standard abbreviation: AASS.

Acta Sanctorum ordinis Sancti Benedicti, eds. Luc d'Achéry and Jean Mabillon, first ed., 6 vols. in 9 (Paris, 1668-1701; partial reprint edition, Brussels, 1935). (Organized by century of the "Order of St. Benedict": the first volume covers the sixth century, the sixth volume the eleventh.) Standard abbeviation: AASSOB.

1/2. Other standard collections of medieval sources which include hagiographic material.

Latin: J. P. Migne (ed.), Patrologiae cursus completus: Series latina, 221 volumes (Paris, 1841-64) [=PL]. More recent editions of many of the works contained in this collection may be found in the following ongoing series: Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum (Vienna) [=CSEL]; Corpus christianorum, series latina [=CCSL], Corpus christianorum, series graeca [=CCSG], Corpus christianorum, Continuatio mediaevalis [=CCCM](all published in Turnhout); Sources chrétiennes [=SC] (Paris).

Greek: J. P. Migne (ed.), Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca, 176 volumes (Paris, 1857-1876) [=PG]. Also see Sources chrétiennes (Paris).

Italy: Italia sacra, sive De episcopis italiae ad insularum adjacentium, ed. Ferdinando Ughelli, 9 vols. (Rome, 1644-62; revised edition in 10 volumes, Venice, 1717-22; reprint, 1970); Rerum italicarum scriptores ab anno aerae christianae quingentesimo ad millesimum quingentesimum, eds. Ludovico Muratori, et al., 25 vols. in 28 (Milan, 1723-1751); Rerum italicarum scriptores. Racolta deglli storici italiani dal cinquecento al millecinquecento, eds. G. Carducci and V. Fiorini [revised edition of previous known as the "New Muratori"] (Cittá di Castello and Bologna, 1900-present); Fonti per storia d'Italia (Rome, 1887-present).

Iberia: España sagrada, eds. Enrique Florez, et al., 58 vols. (Madrid, 1747-1954); Portugaliae Monumenta historica a saeculo octavo post Christum usque ad quintum decimum, 6 volumes (Lisbon, 1856-97).

France: Gallia christiana, second edition, 16 volumes (Paris, 1715-1785); Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, ed. M. Bouquet et al., 24 volumes (Paris, 1738-1833; reedition, 1896-1904). Also texts published in Chartes et diplômes relatifs à l'Histoire de France; Collection des documents inédits relatifs à l'Histoire de France; Classiques de l'Histoire de France au Moyen Age.

Germany and Empire: Monumenta Germaniae historica (Hannover and Berlin, 1826-present), particularly the Scriptores rerum Merivingicarum and the Scriptores in folio for hagiographic works. The Germania sacra, 3 vols. in 5 (Berlin, 1929-41) and Germania sacra. Neue Folge, 28 vols. (Berlin, 1962-present) also contain material of interest.

England: Rerum britannicarum medii aevi scriptores (Rolls Series), 99 volumes in 253 (London, 1858-1896). Also texts published by the Camden Society, the Early English Text Society, Nelson's Medieval Texts, and Oxford Medieval Texts.

Byzantium and the Latin east: Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae, 50 volumes (Bonn, 1828-97); Corpus fontium historiae byzantinae (Washington and Berlin, 1967-present); Recueil des historiens des Croisades: Historiens occidentaux, 5 vols. (Paris, 1841-95).

1/3 .The Bollandist repertories.

Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis. 3 vols. (Subsidia hagiographica, 6 and 70; Brussels, 1898 and 1986). Standard abbreviation: BHL.

Bibliotheca hagiographica graeca, revised edition (Subsidia hagiographica, 8a; Brussels, 1957). Also see François Halkin, Novum auctarium Bibliothecae hagiographicae graecae, (Subsidia hagiographica, 65; Brussels, 1984). Standard abbreviation: BHG.

Bibliothecae hagiographicae orientalis (Subsidia hagiographica, 10; Brussels, 1910). Standard abbreviation: BHO.

1/4. Other guides to Latin and Greek hagiographic sources.

Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique, latine et vernaculaire, en Occident, des origines à 1550, ed. Guy Philippart, 4 vols. (Turnhout: Brepols, 1994-present). The organization of the whole work is a combination of period and region: the articles included in each volume, however, are in order of preparation.

Lists of vitae: Eligius Dekkers, "Vitae Sanctorum," Clavis Patrum Latinorum (Sacris Erudiri, 3; Bruges and The Hague, 1951), pp. 357-84 (organized geographically; covers roughly from the Acts of the Martyrs to Bede; based largely on the BHL); "Biographies spirituelles," Dictionnaire de spiritualité, (Paris, 1937-present), 1:1646-78 (organized by century).

Sources from Francia: Ferdinand Lot, et al., "Vitae, Passiones, Miracula, Translationes sanctorum Galliae (500-1000)," Archivum latinitatis medii aevi, 14 (1939), pp. 183-225) and "Vitae, Passiones, Miracula, Translationes sanctorum Galliae necnon alia opera hagiographica saeculum XI in Gallia exarata (a. 1000-1108)," Archivum latinitatis medii aevi, 18 (1943), pp. 5-39.

Sources from modern Belgium: Index Scriptorum operumque latino-belgicorum medii aevi: Nouveau Répertoire des oeuvres médiolatines belges, eds. Léopold Genicot and P. Tombeur, 3 vols. in 4 (1973-present). Contains separate listing of hagiographic souces from the seventh through the twelfth centuries.

Sources from Celtic lands: Michael Lapidge and Richard Sharpe, A Bibliography of Celtic-Latin Literature, 400-1200 (Dublin, 1985).

Lists of canonization processus: André Vauchez, "Les procès de canonisation," in La sainteté en occident aux derniers siècles du moyen âge d'après les procès de canonisation et les documents hagiographiques (Rome, 1981), pp. 655-65. (Organized first by sub-genre and then chronologically.)

Lives in Byzantium and the Latin east: J. W. Nesbit, "A geographical and chronological guide to Greek saints' lives," Orientalia christiana periodica, 35 (1969), 24-46; Charles Kohler, "Rerum et Personarum quae in Actis Sanctorum Bollandistis et Analectis Bollandianis obvie ad orientem latinum spectant. Index Analiticus," in Revue de L'orient latin, 5 (1897), pp. 460-561.

Lists of relic translations: Henri Fros, "Liste des translations et inventions de l'époque carolingienne," Analecta Bollandiana, 104 (1986), pp. 427-9 and Patrick Geary, "Handlist of Relic Thefts (ca. 800-ca. 1100)," in Furta Sacra. Thefts of Relics in the Central Middle Ages (Princeton, 1978; second edition 1990), pp. 149-56. Both are organized alphabetically by saint.

1/5. Guides to hagiographic sources in vernacular languages.

Old French: Paul Meyer, "Légendes hagiographiques en français," Histoire littéraire de France, vol. 33 (Paris, 1906), pp. 328-458 and Robert Bossuat, Manuel bibliographique de la littérature française du Moyen Age, one volume with three supplements (Paris, 1951-86), consult indices under "saint." Also see Jean-Pierre Perrot, Le passionaire français au moyen âge (Publications Romanes et Françaises, 200; Geneva, 1992).

Old Provençal: Clovis Brunel, Bibliographie des manuscrits littéraires en ancien provençal (Paris, 1935).

Italian: see the discussion of resources in Jacques Dalarun, Claudio Leonardi, and François Dolbeau, "Pour une 'Biblioteca agiographica italiana,'" Hagiographica, 1 (1994).

Anglo-Saxon: see the discussion of resources in E. Gordon Whatley, "Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England: a Prelliminary View from SASLC," Old English Newsletter, 23 (1990), pp. 36-46, as well as the articles by Cross and Whatley in the second volume of Hagiographies.

Middle English: Charlotte d'Evelyn and Frances Foster, "Saints' Legends," in A Manual of Writings in Middle English 1050-1500, ed. J. Burke Sevens (New Haven, 1970), 2:410-81 and 553-649; M. Görlach, "Middle English Legends, 1220-1530," in Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique, latine et vernaculaire, en Occident, des origines à 1550, ed. Guy Philippart, 4 vols. (Turnhout: Brepols, 1994-present), 1:429-86.

Anglo-Norman: M. Thiry-Stassin, "L'hagiographie en Anglo-Normand," in Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique, latine et vernaculaire, en Occident, des origines à 1550, ed. Guy Philippart, 4 vols. (Turnhout: Brepols, 1994-present), 1: 407-28.

Old Irish: C. Plummer, "A Tentative Catalogue of Irish Hagiography," in idem, Miscellanea Hagiographica Hibernica (Subsidia Hagiographica, 15; Brussels, 1925), pp. 171-285. Also see Pierre Grosjean, "Hagiographica celtica," Analecta Bollandiana, 55 (1937), 96-108, and for Hiberno-Latin, see Michael Lapidge and Richard Sharpe, A Bibliography of Celtic-Latin Literature, 400-1200 (Dublin, 1985).

German: see W. Williams-Krapp, "Deutschprachige Hagiographie von ca. 1350 vis ca. 1550," in Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique, latine et vernaculaire, en Occident, des origines à 1550, ed. Guy Philippart, 4 vols. (Turnhout: Brepols, 1994-present), 1:267-88, as well as the discussion of resources in K. Kunze, "Projekt keiner 'Bibliotheca Hagiographica Germanica," Analecta Bollandiana, 90 (1972), pp. 299-322. Note: an article by Kunze in the second volume of Hagiographies will cover German literature from 850 to 1350.

Scandinavian: Ole Widding, Hans Bekker-Nielsen, and Laurence Shook, "The Lives of the Saints in Old Norse Prose: A Handlist," Mediaeval Studies, 25 (1963), pp. 294-337; Margaret Cormack, The Saints in Iceland: Their Veneration from the Conversion to 1400 (Subsidia Hagiographica, 78; Brussels, 1994).

Also see the appropriate articles in the forthcoming volumes of Hagiographies. Histoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique, latine et vernaculaire, en Occident, des origines à 1550, ed. Guy Philippart, 4 vols. (Turnhout: Brepols, 1994-present). Note: vernacular languages will be treated along with Latin sources for certain regions (Italy , Iberia, the Low Countries, Scandinavia, Hungary, and the Slavic countries, and the Celtic lands) and apart for others (England, Germany, and France).

2. Guides to the saints.

2/1. Major dictionaries of saints.

Vies des saints et des bienheureux par les reverends pères bénédictins de Paris, eds. Jules Baudot, Paul Antin, and Jacques Dubois, 13 vols. (Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1935-1959).

Bibliotheca Sanctorum, Iosepho Vizzini, et al., 13 vols. (Rome: Istituto Giovanni XXIII, 1961-1970).

Histoire des saints et de la sainteté Chrétienne, ed. Francesco Chiovaro et al., 11 vols. (Paris: Hachette, 1986-8).

Lives of the Saints, ed. S. Baring Gould, revised edition, 16 vols. (Edinburgh, 1914). To be used with caution.

Butler's Lives of the Saints, revised edition by Herbert Thurston and Donald Attwater, 4 vols. (New York, 1956). To be used with caution.

2/2. Shorter dictionaries of saints.

The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, ed. David Farmer, revised edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992).

The Penguin Dictionary of Saints, ed. Donald Attwater (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965).

The Book of Saints: A Dictionary of Servants of God, compiled by the Benedictine monks of St Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate, 6th ed. (London and Wilton, CT, 1989).

A Dictionary of Saintly Women, ed. Agnes Dunbar, 2 vols. (London, 1904-1905).

F. G. Holweck, Biographical Dictionary of the Saints (St. Louis and London, 1924).

John Coulson, The Saints: A Concise Biographical Dictionary (New York, 1958).

2/3. Major encyclopedias which include entries on saints.

Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Joseph Strayer, 13 vols. (New York, 1982-1989).

New Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 vols. (New York 1967).

Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie, eds. Fernand Cabrol, Henri Leclercq, and Henri Marrou, 15 vols. (Paris, 1907-53).

Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, ed. Alfred Baudrillart, et al., 23 volumes to date (Paris, 1912-present).

Lexikon des Mittelalters, 6 volumes to date (Munich, 1980-present).

Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, second edition, ed. Michael Buchberger, Josef Höfer, and Karl Rahner, 10 volumes (Freiburg, 1957-68).

Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (Stuttgart, 1950-present).

Enciclopedia Cattolica, ed. Giuseppe Pizzardo and Pio Paschini, 12 volumes (Vatican City, 1948-1954).

2/4. Shorter guides which include entries on saints.

Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, ed. Everett Ferguson, et al. (New York, 1990).

Encyclopedia of the Early Church, ed. Angelo di Berardino, trans. Adrian Walford, 2 volumes (Oxford, 1992).

Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, ed. Frank Cross and Elizabeth Livingstone, second edition (Oxford, 1974).

Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ed. Alexander Kazhdan, et al., 3 vols. (Oxford, 1991).

3. Guides to hagiographic literature.

3/1. Manuals of hagiography.

Hippolyte Delehaye, Les legendes hagiographiques, fourth edition (Subsidia hagiographica, 18; Brussels, 1955), ET as The Legends of the Saints, trans. V. M. Crawford (from second edition; London, 1907 and reprint, Notre Dame University Press, 1961) and trans. Donald Attwater (from fourth edition; New York: Fordham University Press, 1962); Cinq leçons sur la méthode hagiographique, (Subsidia hagiographica, 21; Brussels, 1934).

René Aigrain, L'hagiographie: ses sources, ses méthodes, son histoire (Paris, 1953).

Jacques Dubois and Jean-Loup Lemaitre, Sources et méthodes de l'hagiographie médiévale (Paris: Editions de Cerf, 1993).

Réginald Grégoire, Manuale de agiologia. Introduzione alla letteratura agiografica (Bibliotheca Montisfani, 12; Fabriano, 1987).

3/2. Histories of hagiographic scholarship.

Hippolyte Delehaye, L'oeuvre des bollandistes à travers trois siècles, second edition (Subsidia hagiographica, 13; Brussels, 1959), ET as The Work of the Bollandists through Three Centuries, 1615-1915, English ed. (Princeton, N.J., 1922).

Paul Peeters, L'oeuvre des Bollandistes, new ed. (Brussels, 1961).

David Knowles, Great Historical Enterprises: Problems in Monastic History (London, 1963) contains chapters on the Bollandistes and the Maurists.

Helen Damico and Joseph Zavadil (eds.), Medieval Scholarship: Biographical Studies on the Formation of a Discipline. Volume 1: History (New York: Garland, 1995). Particularly the articles on Jean Bolland, Jean Mabillon, Lodovico Muratori.

3/3. Typologie des sources.

Guy Philippart, Les légendiers latins et autres manuscrits hagiographiques (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 24-25; Turnhout, 1977).

Jacques Dubois, Les martyrologes du moyen âge latin (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 26; Turnhout, 1978).

Martin Heinzelmann, Translationsberichte und andere quellen des Reliquienkultes (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 33; Turnhout, 1979).

Michel Sot, Gesta episcoporum, Gesta abbatum (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 37; Turnhout, 1981).

J. Richard, Les récits de voyages et de pèlerinages (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 38; Turnhout, 1981).

C. Bremond, Jacques Le Goff, Jean-Claude Schmitt, L'exemplum (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 40; Turnhout, 1982).

Karl Schmid, Les Libri Vitae (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental; Turnhout, in press).

Pietro Boglioni, Libelli miraculorum (Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental; Turnhout, in press).

3/4. Some other useful guides to medieval literature (in addition to 2/3 above).

Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi, 5 vols. (Rome, 1962-present).

Jacques Berlioz, et al., Identifier sources et citations (l'Atelier du médiéviste, 1; Turnhout: Brepols, 1994), particularly chap. 11 on "Les sources hagiographiques."

Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, ed. Max Manitius, 3 vols, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, IX, 2 (Munich, 1911-31).

Orbis Latinus, ed. J. G. T. Graesse , et al., third edition, 3 vols. (Berlin, 1922; reprint, Budapest, 1972).

Répertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés, ed. Laurent Cottineau, 3 vols. (Mâcon, 1939-70).

Series episcoporum ecclesiae catholicae, ed. Pius Bonifacius Gams (Regensburg, 1873).

Dictionnaire de droit canonique, 7 vols., eds. A. Villien, E. Magnin, A. Amanieu, and Raoul Naz (Paris: Letouzey, 1935-65).

Dictionnaire de spiritualité, ascétique et mystique: doctrine et histoire, eds. Joseph de Guibert, Marcel Viller, F. Cavallera, et al., 16 volumes to date [to Vocation] (Paris, 1937-present).

Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, eds. A. Vacant, E. Mangenot, and E. Amann, 15 volumes (Paris, 1909-1950).

3/5. Journals of hagiographic studies.

Analecta Bollandiana (Brussels: 1882-present). A journal edited by the Bollandists. Be sure to consult the decennal indices, as well as François Halkin, Analecta bollandiana. Inventaire hagiographiques des tomes I à 100 (1882-1982) (Brussels, 1983).

Hagiographica. Rivista della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medioevo latino (Spoleto: 1994-present).

3/6. Annotated bibliographies.

Sofia Boesch Gajano (ed.), Agiografia altomedioevale (Bologna, 1976), pp. 7-48.

Stephen Wilson (ed.), Saints and Their Cults (Cambridge, 1983), pp. 309-417.

Linda Kay Davidson and Maryjane Dunn-Wood (eds.), Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages: A Research Guide (Garland Medieval Bibliograpies, 16; New York: Garland, 1993).

Maryjane Dunn and Linda Kay Davidson (eds.), The Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela: A Comprehensive Bibliography (Garland Medieval Bibliograpies, 18; New York: Garland, 1994).

For recent periodical literature on hagiography and related subjects, consult the International Medieval Bibliography under "Hagiography" and other relevant headings, as well as the regular listings of recent literature provided in Analecta Bollandiana.

4. Guides to iconography.

Remigius Bäumer and Leo Scheffczyk (eds.), Marienlexikon, 4 vols. (St. Ottilien, 1988-92).

Charles Cahier, Caractéristiques des saints dans l'art populaire (Paris: Poussielgue, 1867).

Clara Erskins Clement, A Handbook of Christian Symbols and Stories of the Saints as Illustrated in Art, ed. Katherine E. Conway (Boston, 1886).

Yves Christe, Tania Velmans, Hanna Losowska, and Roland Recht, Art in the Christian World, 300-1500: A Handbook of Styles and Forms (London, 1982).

Maurice and Wilfred Drake, Saints and Their Emblems (London, 1916).

Gaston Duchet-Suchaux and Michel Pastoureau, The Bible and the Saints (Flammarion Iconographic Guides; French original, Paris, 1994; ET, New York, 1994).

Georges Ferguson, Signs and Symbols in Christian Art (Oxford, 1954).

François Garnier, Le langage de l'image au moyen âge. I: Significaitons et symbolique. II: Grammaire des gestes, 2 vols. (Paris, 1982-?).

George Kaftal, Iconography of the Saints in Tuscan Painting (Florence, 1952).

George Kaftal, Iconography of the Saints in the Painting of North East Italy (Florence, 1978).

George Kaftal, Iconography of the Saints in the Painting of North West Italy (Florence, 1985).

George Kaftal, Iconography of the Saints in Central and South Italian Schools of Painting (Florence, 1986).

George Kaftal, Iconography of the Saints in Tuscan Painting (Florence, 1952).

Engelbert Kirschbaum (ed.), Lexikon der Christlichen Ikonographie, 8 vols. (Rome, 1968-76). Also Lexkion christlicher Kunst: Themen, Gestalten, Symbole (Frieburg, 1980).

Karl Künstle, Ikonographie der Heiligen (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1926).

R. L. P. Milburn, Saints and Their Emblems in English Churches, rev. ed. (Oxford, 1957).

Pierre Miquel, Dictionnaire symbolique des animaux (Paris, 1992).

Louis Réau, Iconogrpahie de l'art chrétien, 3 vols. in 6 (Paris, 1955-9).

Helen Roeder, Saints and their Attributes, with a Guide to Localities and Patronage (London: Longmans, 1955).

Gertrud Schiller, Ikonographie der christlichen Kunst, 5 vols. (Gütersloh, 1966-91).

Margaret Tabor, The Saints in Art (London, 1969).

Edouard Urech, Dictionnaire des symboles chrétiens (Neuchatel, 1972).

Jacques Voisenet, Bestiare chrétien. L'imagerie animal des auteurs du haut moyen äge (Ve-XIe s.) (Toulouse, 1994).

5. General works of hagiographic scholarship.

5/1. Theoretical and methodological approaches to reading hagiography.

Barbara Abou-el-Haj, The Medieval Cult of Saints: Formations and Transformations (Cambridge, 1994).

Patrick Corbet, Les saints ottoniens. Sainteté dynastique, sainteté royale et sainteté féminine autour de l'an mil (Beihefte der Francia, 15; Sigmaringen, 1986).

Anna Benvenuti-Papi, "In castro poenitentiae": santità e societa femminile nell'Italia medievale (Italia Sacra, 45; Rome: Herder, 1990).

Lisa Bitel, Isle of the Saints: Monastic Settlement and Christian Community in Early Ireland (Ithaca, NY, 1990).

Allison Elliott, Roads to Paradise. Reading the Lives of the Early Saints (Hanover, NH, 1987).

Sharon Farmer, Communities of St. Martin: Legend and Ritual in Medieval Tours (Ithaca, 1991).

Paulo Golinelli, Indiscreta Sanctitas: Studi sui rapporti tra culti, poteri e socità nel pieno medioevo (Rome, 1988).

Thomas Head, Hagiography and the Cult of Saints. The Diocese of Orléans, 800-1200 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, fourth series, number 14; Cambridge, 1990).

Thomas Heffernan, Sacred Biography: Saints and Their Biographers in the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1988).

Aviad Kleinberg, Prophets in their Own Country: Living Saitns and the Making of Sainthood in the Later Middle Ages (Chicago, 1992).

Joseph-Claude Poulin, L'ideal de sainteté dans l'Aquitaine carolingienne d'après les sources hagiographiques (750-950) (Quebec City, 1975).

Susan Ridyard, The Royal Saints of Anglo-Saxon England: A Study of West Saxon and east Anglian Cults (Cambridge, 1988).

Pierre-André Sigal, L'homme et le miracle dans la France médiévale (XIe-XIIe siècle) (Paris, 1985).

Gerhard Strunk, Kunst und Glaube in der Lateinischen Heiligenlegende. Zu ihrem Selbstverständnis in den Prologen (Medium Aevum, Philologische Studien, 12; Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1970).

Benedicta Ward, Miracles and the Medieval Mind. Theory, Record and Event, 1000-1215 (Philadelphia, 1982).

Donald Weinstein and Rudolph Bell, Saints and Society. The Two Worlds of Latin Christendom, 1000-1700 (Chicago, 1982).

Richard Kieckhefer, Unquiet Lives. Fourteenth-Century Saints and Their Religious Milieu (Chicago, 1984).

Gabriella Zarri, La sante vive: cultura e religiosita femminile nella prima éta moderna (Sacro/Santo, 2; Turin: Rosenberg and Sellier, 1990).

5/2. Some review articles of hagiographic scholarship.

Baoudouin de Gaiffier, "Mentalité de l'hagiographie médiéval, d'après quelques travaux récents," Analecta Bollandiana, 86 (1968), 391-99.

Léopold Genicot, "Discordiae concordantium: Sur l'intérêt des textes hagiographiques," Académie royale de Belgique: Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques, 5 ser., vol. 51 (1965), pp. 65-75.

Henri Deroche, André Vauchez, and Jacques Maître, "Sociologie de la sainteté canonisée," Archives de sociologie des religions, 30 (1970), pp. 109-15.

Friedrich Lotter, "Legenden als Geschichtsquellen?", Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 27 (1971), 195-200.

Martin Heinzelmann, "Neue Aspekte der biographischen und hagiographischen Literatur in der lateinischen welt (1.-6. Jahrhundert)," Francia, 1 (1973), pp. 27-44.

Friedrich Lotter, "Methodisches zur Gewinnung historischer Erkenntnisse aus hagriographischen Quellen," Historische Zeitschrift 229 (1979), pp. 298-356.

Claudio Leonardi, "Dalla santità 'monastica' alla santità 'politica," Concilium, 15 (1979), pp. 1540-53.

Sofia Boesch Gajano, "Il culto dei santi: filologia, antropologia e storia," Studi storici, 23 (1982), pp. 119-36.

Paolo Golinelli, "Agiografia e storia in studi recenti," Società e storia, 19 (1983), pp. 103-20.

Jean-Claude Schmitt, "La fabrique des saints," Annales. E. S. C., 39 (1984), pp. 286-300.

John Howe, "Lectio hagiographica: review article," Catholic Historical Review, 76 (1990), 564-69.

5/3. Some collections of hagiographic scholarship.

Pellegrinaggi e culto dei santi in Europa fino alla Ia crociata (Convegni del centro di studi sulla spiritualità medievale, 4; Todi, 1963).

Sofia Boesch Gajano (ed.), Agiografia altomedioevale (Bologna, 1976).

Wolfgang Müller, Heilige in Geschichte, Legende, Kult (Karlsruhe, 1979).

Evelyne Patlagean and Pierre Riché (eds.), Hagiographie, cultures, et sociétés. IVe-XIIe siècles (Paris, 1981).

Jean-Claude Schmitt (ed.), Les saints et les stars. Le texte hagiographique dans la culture populaire (Paris, 1983).

Stephen Wilson (ed.), Saints and Their Cults (Cambridge, 1983).

Culto dei santi, istituzioni e classi sociali in età preindustriale, eds. Sofia Boesch Gajano and Luigi Sebastiani (Collana di studi storici, 1; L'Aquila: Japadre Editore, 1984).

John Hawley (ed.), Saints and Virtues (Berkeley, 1987).

Santi e demoni nell'alto medioevo occidentale (secoli V-XI), 2 vols. (Settimane di studio del centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo, 36; Spoleto, 1989).

Raccolte di vite di santi dal XIII al XVIII secolo. Strutture, messaggi, fruizioni, ed. Sofia Boesch Gajano (Fasano di Brindisi: Schena Editore, 1990).

Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIe-XIIIe siècle) (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 149; Rome: Ecole française, 1991).

Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski and Timea Szell (eds.), Images of Sainthood in Medieval Europe (Ithaca, NY, 1991).

Martin Heinzelmann (ed.), Manuscrits hagiographiques et travail des hagiographes (Beihefte der Francia, 24; Sigmaringen, 1992).

Martyrs and Martyrologies, ed. Diana Wood (Studies in Church History, 30; Oxford, 1993).

Gottfried Kerscher (ed.), Hagiographie und Kunst. der Heiligenkult in Schrift, Bild, und Architektur (Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1993).

Politik und Heiligenverehrung im Hochmittelalter, ed. Jürgen Petersohn (Vorträge und Forschungen, 42; Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke, 1994).

6. Some useful catalogues of manuscripts.

Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum bibliothecae regiae Bruxellensis. Pars I. Codices latini membranei, 2 vols. (Subsidia Hagiographica, 1; Brussels, 1886-1889).

Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum antiquiorum saeculo XVI qui asservantur in bibliotheca nationali Parisiensis, 3 vols. (Subsidia Hagiographica, 2; Brussels, 1890).

Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum bibliothecae Vaticanae, ed. Albert Poncelet (Subsidia Hagiographica, 11; Brussels, 1910).

Joseph van der Straeten, Manuscrits hagiographiques d'Arras et Boulogne-sur-Mer (Bibliotheca Hagiographica, 50; Brussels, 1971).

---, Manuscrits hagiographiques de Charleville, Verdun et Saint-Mihiel (Bibliotheca Hagiographica, 56; Brussels, 1974).

---, Manuscrits hagiographiques d'Orléans, Tours, et Angers (Bibliotheca Hagiographica, 64; Brussels, 1982).

Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France. Départements, 61 vols. (Paris, 1885-present).

Victor Leroquais, Les Bréviares manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France, 6 vols. (Paris, 1934).

---, Les Psautiers latins manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France, 3 vols. (Paris, 1943).

---, Les Sacramentaires et les missels manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France. 4 vols. (Paris, 1924).

Francis Wormald, English Kalendars Before A.D. 1100 (Henry Bradshaw Society, 72; London, 1934).

---, English Kalendars After A.D. 1100. Volume I, A-D, (Henry Bradshaw Society, 77; London, 1939).

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