(1) Exchequer, E.368.no.61.m.38d; C.C.R.., 1272 p.473; ibid., 1313 p.66; Exchequer L.T.R., , , E.368 no.50.m.1. Not Robert de Bruce Earl of Carrick who was still alive and active in 1276, though the Bruce family did have lands in Essex.

(2) Exchequer. E.368 no.68.m.30; C.C.R., 1289 p.46; ibid., 1314 p.195.

(3) Calendar of Charter Rolls, ii. p.31; C.C.R., 1291, p.195; C.C.R., 1290, p.35; C.C.R., 1302, p.581-2; Calendar of Charter Rolls, ii, p.403; C.P.R., 1313, p.554; C.C.R., 1300, p.392.

(4) C.P.R., 1279, p.333; C.C.R., 1294, p.395.

(5) C.C.R., 1290, p.131, 1294, pp.383, 395; Calendar of Charter Rolls, iii, p.222, C.P.R., 1313, pp.554-5; Cole H. Documents Illustrative of English History in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, (Record Commissions, 1844) pp. 133-4; Calendar of Charter Rolls, iii. pp.165, 175; C.C.R., 1278, p.499; ibid., 1289, p.35.

(6) C.C.R., 1273, p.51; ibid., 1289, p.35; Calendar of Charter Rolls, ii, p.256, C.C.R., 1286, p.430, Calendar of Charter Rolls, ii, p.267, C.P.R., 1298, p.346.

(7) Calendar of Charter Rolls, ii, p.165; ibid., ii, p.139.

(8) C.C.R., 1302, p.581-2; Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1279, p.333; see below ********** p.260 old draft.

(9) Cole H., op.cit., pp.133-4.

(10) C.C.R., 1271, p.422; J.I., 1, no.240.m.3; C.C.R., 1276, pp.272-3, C.P.R., 1294, p.80.

(11) Exchequer L.T.R., , , E.368.no.61.m.9d; C.C.R., 1300, p.376.

(12) C.C.R.,1270, p.297; ibid., 1300, p.376;Exchequer L.T.R., , E.368.no.76.m.70d;ibid., E.368.no.61.m.9d; C.C.R., 1290, p.94; Calendar of Chancery Rolls Various, p.348.

(13) Exchequer, E.368 n.48.m.1d; no.64.m.12d, and m.57; no.62.m.10.

(14) C.P.R., 1294, p.80; Exchequer L.T.R., , E.368.no.76.m.70d;J.I.., 1 no.240.m.3.

(15) C.C.R., 1278, p.457; C.P.R., 1267, p.158; ibid., 1294, p.80.

(16)C.C.R., 1290, p.94.

(17) Calendar of Chancery Rolls Various, p.348.

(18) Powicke F.M., The Thirteenth Century p.329, Morris J.E., The Welsh Wars of Edward Ist (Oxford, 1901) pp.224-237.

(19) C.I.P.M., I no.476, vi, no.47.

(20) Exchequer, E.368 no.62.m.10; he also acted as a proxy for de Vere in the parliament of 1306, Parliamentary Writs I. p.166 no.19; Feet of Fines, ii p.53.no.337; Sanders I.J. English Baronies, p.52.

(21) Sutton, defendant. v. FitzRichard, J.I. 1, no246.m.42d; Tany J. def. v. Boyes, J.I. 1, no.250.m.2d; Wauton, def, v. FitzJohn, J.I. 1, no.246.m23d.; Baud, plaintiff, J.I. 1, no.251.m.3; Tany R. def, v. FitzJohn, J.I. 1 no.246.m.39; Wokingdon, def, v. Rouceby, J.I. 1, no.253.m.2.

(22) J.I. 1, no.243.m.3d and m.17.

(23) full references for this and the following cases listed by name in Appendix C.

(24) C.P.R., 1280, p.407.

(25) C.P.R., 1264, pp.389 and 404; Tout T.F., Chapters in the Administrative History of Medieval England, (London, 1920) p.310.

(26) C.P.R., 1282, p.45.

(27) C.P.R., 1295, pp.162, 215.

(28) references in Appendix C; C.P.R., 1232, p.382.

(29) references in Appendix C.

(30) C.P.R., 1309, p.180; 1316, p.482; 1319, p.290.

(31) references in Appendix C.

(32) ibid., see also Chronicles of the Reign of Edward I and II , Rolls Series, (London,1882) p.138.

(33) C.P.R., 1321, pp.33, 37. He is specifically identified as Arnulph son of Robert de Monteny, though the elder Monteny must have been well into his sixties by 1321. C.I.P.M., ii, no.636.

(34) unless otherwise cited the references for this section are tabulated in Appendix D.

(35) see Plucknett T.F., Legislation of Edward Ist, (Oxford, 1949) pp.148-9.

(36) references in Appendix D. Tany was also party to a group debt in 1312, amounting to £1000 and due to Nicholas de Valeres, C.P.R., 1312, p.562; Exchequer L.T.R., , E.368. no.65.m.23d.

(37) C.P.R., 1270, p.479; Parliamentary Writs **.

(38) see above Chapter IV.***

(39) see Morris W.A., The Early English County Court, (Berkeley, 1925) p.96.

(40) Pollock F. and Maitland F.W., History of English Law, I, p.538

(41) ibid, pp.549-550; Holt J.C., 'Rights and Liberties in Magna Carta', in, Album H.M. Cam, Studies presented to the International Commission for the History of Representative Institutions. (Louvain, 1960) p.68.

(42) see table below for names.

(43) Sutton [A], four years; Arderne [A], Boxted [C], Crepping [C], St Clare [B] and Twinstead [B] for three years; Morel [C], Tany J. [A] and Wascoil [B] for two year; Beauchamp [A], Bigod [A], Burnham [C], Coggeshall [D], Merk J. [D], Pratellis [C], Watevill [C] and Mare [D] for one year only.

(44) for references see Chapter IV.

(45) J.I., 1 no.246.m.41; no.248.m.21d.

(46) C.P.R., 1294 p.80.

(47) Rotuli Parliamentorum, I, p.216.