WEMSK33:Old Spanish Literature

                          WEMSK33 -- Old Spanish Literature

 1.  Bibliographic guides.

 a. Donald W. Bleznick, A Sourcebook for Hispanic Literature and
 Language (Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1974). Includes lists of
 periodicals, book dealers, addresses.

 b. Hensley C. Woodbridge, Guide to Reference Works for thee Study
 of the Spanish Language and Literature andd Spanish American
 Literature, 2d ed. (NY: MLA, 1997). At times thin; surprising
 lacunae, but good for the beginner.

 2. Bibliography:

 a. Homero Seris, Manual de bibliografia de la literatura espanola,
 2 vols. (Syracuse: Centro de Estudios Hispanicos, 1948-54).
 Outstanding on peripherals such as art, culture, folklore. Do not
 ignore it.

 b. Jose Simon Diaz, Manual de bibliografia de la literatura
 espanola, 2d ed. (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1966).  2d supplement
 1972. First port of call for a general subject.

 c. Jose Simon Diaz, Bibliografia de la literatura hispanica, III,
 2d ed. (Madrid: CSIC, 1963-65). THE bibliography, with intensive
 coverage of everything.  Supplements in the Revista de Literatura.

 3. List of the corpus: A list of the corpus can be garnered fairly
 well by looking at Simon Diaz, but a good place to look is:

 a. Bibliography of Old Spanish Texts, compiled by Charles B.
 Faulhaber et al. Bibliographic Series, no. 4, 3d ed. (Madison:
 Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1984). This is also included
 in ADMYTE (see below) and online on the PhiloBiblon site (see
 below), which is kept up-to-date and is the best form in which to
 consult BOOST (there called BETA).

 4. Chrestomathies:

 a. Ramon Menendez Pidal, Rafael Lapesa and Maria Soledad de Andres,
 Crestomatia del espanol medieval, 2 vols. (Madrid: Gredos,
 1965-66). Citable texts. Buy it if you can get it. Don Ramon was
 the outstanding authority in the field.

 b. Florencio Janer, ed., Poetas Castellanos anteriores al Siglo XV.
 Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles, vol. 57 (Madrid: Real Academia
 Espanola, 1864; reprinted over and over).  This contains a good
 deal of the corpus, e.g. El Cid, all of Berceo, etc.  Old, but
 generally good.  Hard to read on occasions, but worth buying and
 carrying around with you, in my case with a magnifying glass.

 5. Histories of literature:

 a. Guillermo Diaz-Plaja, ed., Historia general de las literaturas
 hispanicas, 7 vols. (Barcelona: Vergara, 1949-68).  Good
 bibliographies. The standard. Vol. 1 goes to 1400, so you need to
 look at the first two volumes. Look here first.

 b. A good desk history of Spanish literature: Angel del Rio,
 Historia de la literatura espanola, 2d ed., 2 vols. (NY: Holt,
 1963). About 150 pp. on the Middle Ages.

 c. Another: Angel Valbuena Prat, Historia de la literatura
 espanola, 4 vols. (1st on MA), 8th ed. (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili,

 d. A good work in English, by an outstanding authority: Alan
 Deyermond, The Middle Ages. Vol. 1 of A Literary History of Spain,
 7th ed. (London: Ernest Benn, 1980); also available in Spanish
 translation: Historia de la literatura espanola 1. La edad media
 (Barcelona: Ariel, 1980).

 e. Francisco Lopez Estrada, Introduccion a la literatura medieval
 espanola, 5th ed. Biblioteca Romanica Hispananica, III. Manuales,
 no. 4 (Madrid: Gredos, 1983).  Interpretive, grouped by aspects and
 themes, e.g. rhetoric, philology, European influences.

 f. Alan Deyermond, Edad media.  Vol. 1 of Historia y critica de la
 literatura espanola (Barcelona: Editorial Critica, 1980). Includes
 for each section an introductory essay, a bibliography and a
 selection of authorities, translated into Spanish where needed. The
 best one-volume work; good bibliographies.

 6. Series:

 a. Odres Nuevos (Madrid: Editorial Castalia) offers good texts in
 Modern Spanish, often with independent scholarly value, e.g. Daniel
 Devoto's edition of Berceo's Milagros.

 6. Scholarly series:

 a. Clasicos Castellanos (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe).

 b. Clasicos Castalia (Madrid: Editorial Castalia).

 c. Letras Hispanicas (Madrid: Editorial Catedra).

 7. If you are looking for a translation: Robert S. Rudder, The
 Literature of Spain in English Translation. A Bibliography (NY:
 Ungar, 1975). Quite good.

 8. Lagniappe:

 a. If you are interested in those mysterious and unspellable
 kharjas of Old Spanish (?): Richard Hitchcock, The Kharjas.
 Research Bibliograhies & Checklists, 20 (London: Grant & Cutler,

 b. The Wilson for Old Spanish is just getting started: Alan
 Deyermond, La literatura perdida de la Edad Media castillana.
 Catalogo y estudio. I. Epica y romances (Salamanca: Ediciones
 Universidad de Salamanca, 1995). Its author has published a number
 of articles on the subject.

 c. Charles B. Faulhaber, Libros y Bibliotecas en la Espanna
 Medieval. Research Bibliographies & Checklists (London: Grant &
 Cutler, 1987). A must.

 d. Although he has treated Iberian Hymnody quite thoroughly in his
 Annalen der lateinischen Hymnendichtung, I thought you might like
 his short wrap-up: Joseph Szo"ve/rffy, Iberian Hymnody. Survey and
 Problems (Wetteren, Belgium: Classical Folia Editions, 1971). By an
 outstanding authority. Easy to read.

                     Some Electronic Resources

 For the most part, this part of WEMSK eschews electronic resources,
 but those for Old Spanish are so good and so useful that I thought
 to include some here, to be augmented later by the electronic form
 of WEMSK:

 1. ADMYTE, the Archivo Digital de Manuscritos y Textos Espanoles,
 consists of several CD-ROMs, all explained well by Charles B.
 Faulhaber, "Update on ADMYTE for 1995," La Coronica 23.2 (Spring,
 1995), 104-110, including a table of contents.  Happy is the
 scholarly whose library has these. There have been complaints about
 its up-front engine, but I have had no trouble at all with it.

 2. PhiloBiblon, a website devoted to peninsular texts:
 http://sunsite.Berkeley.EDU/PhiloBiblon/.  Offers Bibliografia
 Espannola de Textos Antiguos (BETA), Bibliografia de Textos
 Catalans Antics (BITECA), Bibliografia de Antigos Textos Galegos e
 Portugueses (BITAGAP), with bibliographies attached to each item,
 + many other services.  You have to see it to believe it.

 3. The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Madison, WI (now NY)
 is the primary repository (thanks to pioneering efforts by Lloyd
 Kasten and others) of reproductions of Medieval Spanish works, for
 decades made available in transcriptions by various scholars.  Much
 has now been made available on CD-ROMs at a reasonable price. None
 of them have an up-front engine, so you need to know how to deal
 with pure ASCII files.  You can use TACT to change them into a more
 comfortable format if you are computer challenged.  A few of the
 more general ones from my collection:

 a. The Electronic Texts and Concordances of the Prose Works of
 Alfonso X, El Sabio, prepared by Lloyd Kasten, John Nitti and
 Wilhelmina Jonxis-Henkemans. CD-ROM series 1 (Madison: Hispanic
 Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1997).

 b. The Electronic Texts and Concordances of Medieval Navarro-
 Aragonese Manuscripts, prepared by John Nitti and Lloyd Kasten. CD-
 ROM series 2 (Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies,

 c. Early Celestina Electronic Texts and Concordancces, gen. ed. Ivy
 A. Corfis and John O'Neill. CD-ROM series 3 (Madison: Hispanic
 Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1997).

 d. Textos y Concordancias Electronicos del Corpus Medico Espanol,
 preparado bajo la direccion de Ma. Teresa Herrera y Ma. Estela
 Gonzalez de Fauve. CD-ROM series 4 (Madison: Hispanic Seminary of
 Medieval Studies, 1997).

 e. Textos y Concordancias Electronicos de Documentos Castellanos de
 Alfonso X, Teresa Herrera, Nieves Sanchez, Estela Gonzalez de
 Fauve, Purificacion Zabia. CD-ROM series 7 (Madison: Hispanic
 Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1999).

 f. Electronic Texts and Concordances of the Madison Corpus of Early
 Spanish Manuscripts and Printings, prepared by John O'Neill
 (Madison & NY: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1999). The
 most varied of the offerings. Unfortunately, my copy came without
 a pamphlet, so the bibliographical information in incomplete, but
 it contains close to 200 items.