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The booke whiche is called the body of polycye. And it speketh of vertues and of good maners, and the sayd boke is devyded in thre partyes. The fyrst party is adressed to prynces. The seconde to knyghtes and nobles: and the thyrde to the unyversal people.

Identifiant ARLIMA: EA799

Auteur: Christine de Pizan

Traducteur: [anonyme]

Lieu: London — Imprimeur: John Skot — Date: 17 mai 1521


  1. (f. 1)


Titre complet: The booke whiche is called the body of polycye. And it speketh of vertues and of good maners, and the sayd boke is devyded in thre partyes. The fyrst party is adressed to prynces. The seconde to knyghtes and nobles: and the thyrde to the unyversal people.


Langue: français

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