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Life of Saint Alexis

Versions anglaises anonymes


  • Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. The Life of St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before Doomsday. The Lamentation of Souls. Edited from the Laud MS. 622 in the Bodleian Library by F. J. Furnivall, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 69), 1878, 122 p. (ici p. 17-79) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    Édition antérieure:
    • Furnivall, Frederick J., Education in Early England. Some Notes Used as Forewords to a Collection of Treatises on "Manners and Meals in Olden Time" for the Early English Text Society, London, Trübner, 1867, [iv] + lxxiv p. [GB] [IA]
    • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1894, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [GB] [IA]
    • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1904, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
    • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1931, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
  • Brauns, Julius, Über Quelle und Entwicklung der altfranzösischen "Cançun de saint Alexis", verglichen mit der provenzalischen Vida sowie den altenglischen und mittelhochdeutschen Darstellungen, Kiel, Lipsius und Tischer, 1884, x + 58 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Rösler, Margarete, Die Fassungen der Alexius-Legende mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der mittelenglischen Versionen, Wien et Leipzig, Braumüller (Wiener Beiträge zur englischen Philologie, 21), 1905, x + 197 p. [GB] [HT] [IA]
  1. Version longue en douzains

    Titre:« The longest version, in 12-line stanzas »
    Genre:Vie de saint
    Forme:96 douzains (1152 vers)
    Contenu:Récit de la vie de saint Alexis.
    Incipit:Alle þat willen here in ryme
    hou gode men in olde tyme
    loueden god almiȝth,
    þat weren riche of grete valoure…
    Explicit:… þere Aungels ben wonyynge;
    and sende vs, lorde, þi mylde mood;
    ffor þorouȝ þee spryngeþ al good
    wiþouten any endynge.
    Amen, Amen, Amen.
    Voir aussi: 
    1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud miscellaneous, 622, f. 21v
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Englische Alexiuslegenden aus dem XIV. und XV. Jahrhundert, herausgegeben von J. Schipper. Erstes Heft: Version I, Strassburg et London, Trübner (Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, 20), 1877, [vi] + 108 p. [GB: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. The Life of St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before Doomsday. The Lamentation of Souls. Edited from the Laud MS. 622 in the Bodleian Library by F. J. Furnivall, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 69), 1878, 122 p. (ici p. 17-79) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      Édition antérieure:
      • Furnivall, Frederick J., Education in Early England. Some Notes Used as Forewords to a Collection of Treatises on "Manners and Meals in Olden Time" for the Early English Text Society, London, Trübner, 1867, [iv] + lxxiv p. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1894, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1904, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1931, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  2. Version courte à rimes plates

    Titre:« The shortest version, in couplets »
    Genre:Vie de saint
    Forme:421 vers à rimes plates
    Contenu:Récit de la vie de saint Alexis.
    Incipit:[A]lle þat wolle a whyle here dwełł,
    herkynnythe, and I wołł yowe tełł
    a tale sone of grete pyte:
    att rome, by-fełł in þat Cyte…
    Explicit:… and lyvyd A pore manys lyfe;
    nowe is he in Ioye þat last[et]he Aye
    God bryng us þere þat best maye.
    Praye wee Ałł þat yt soo bee.
    Amen, Amen, For cheryte.
    explicit sante alex.
    Voir aussi: 
    1. London, British Library, Cotton, Titus A. XXVI, f. 145
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. The Life of St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before Doomsday. The Lamentation of Souls. Edited from the Laud MS. 622 in the Bodleian Library by F. J. Furnivall, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 69), 1878, 122 p. (ici p. 17-79) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      Édition antérieure:
      • Furnivall, Frederick J., Education in Early England. Some Notes Used as Forewords to a Collection of Treatises on "Manners and Meals in Olden Time" for the Early English Text Society, London, Trübner, 1867, [iv] + lxxiv p. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1894, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1904, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1931, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
    Traductions modernes
    • en français:
  3. Version courte en sizains

    Titre:« The shorter 6-line-stanza version »
    Genre:Vie de saint
    Forme:612 vers à rimes plates
    Contenu:Récit de la vie de saint Alexis.
    Incipit:Sitteþ tille with-outen strif,
    and i wol tellen ou of a lyf
    of an holy Mon;
    Alix was his nome…
    Explicit:… ȝif þi wille hit be,
    graunt vs alle god endyng,
    and in heuene a wonyiig.
    Amen par Charite.
    Voir aussi: 
    1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. Poet. a. 1 [⇛ Description]
      « Vernon manuscript ».
    2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud miscellaneous, 108 [⇛ Description]
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. The Life of St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before Doomsday. The Lamentation of Souls. Edited from the Laud MS. 622 in the Bodleian Library by F. J. Furnivall, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 69), 1878, 122 p. (ici p. 17-79) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      Édition antérieure:
      • Furnivall, Frederick J., Education in Early England. Some Notes Used as Forewords to a Collection of Treatises on "Manners and Meals in Olden Time" for the Early English Text Society, London, Trübner, 1867, [iv] + lxxiv p. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1894, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1904, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1931, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
    Traductions modernes
    • en français:
  4. Version longue en sizains

    Titre:« The longer 6-line-stanza version »
    Genre:Vie de saint
    Forme:636 vers à rimes plates
    Contenu:Récit de la vie de saint Alexis.
    Incipit:Lesteneþ alle & herkeneþ me,
    ȝong & olde, thewe & freo,
    and I. ȝou telle sone,
    hou a ȝong man, gent & freo…
    Explicit:… ȝat he vs grace sende.
    Þat we mote him seruy,
    and for þe loue of Alexij,
    to his blisse wende. Amen.
    Voir aussi: 
    1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. Poet. a. 1 [⇛ Description]
      « Vernon manuscript ».
    2. Oxford, Trinity College Library, 57 (81)
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II. The Life of St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Jeremie's 15 tokens before Doomsday. The Lamentation of Souls. Edited from the Laud MS. 622 in the Bodleian Library by F. J. Furnivall, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 69), 1878, 122 p. (ici p. 17-79) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      Édition antérieure:
      • Furnivall, Frederick J., Education in Early England. Some Notes Used as Forewords to a Collection of Treatises on "Manners and Meals in Olden Time" for the Early English Text Society, London, Trübner, 1867, [iv] + lxxiv p. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1894, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [GB] [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1904, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
      • Early English Meals and Manners: John Russell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R. Weste's Booke of Demeanor, Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke, For to Serve a Lord, Old Symon, The Birched School-Boy, etc. etc., with Some Forewords on Education in Early England. Edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 32), 1931, [viii] + cvi + 368 p. + XVI pl. [IA]
    Traductions modernes
    • en français:
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