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Poema morale


Date:Vers 1170
Incipit:  Ic eom eldre, þanne ic wes, a wintre and a lare:
Ic welde mare, þanne ic dide: mi wit ah to beo mare.
  Wel lange ic habbe child ibeo a worde and a dede:
Þeh ic beo a wintre eld, to ȝeong ic eom a rede…
Explicit:  To þere blisse us bringe god, þe rixleð buten ende,
Þanne he ure saule unbint of lichamliche bende.
  Crist ȝeue us leden here swilch lif and habben here swilch ende,
Þet we mote þider cum, þanne we heonne wende. Amen.
  1. Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, McClean, 123, f. (M) [⇛ Description]
  2. Cambridge, Trinity College Library, B. 14. 52 (T)
  3. London, British Library, Egerton, 613, f. 7r-12v (E1) et f. 64r-70v (E2) [⇛ Description]
  4. London, British Library, Royal, 7 C. IV, f. 106v [⇛ Description]
    Deux vers partiellement lisibles.
  5. London, Lambeth Palace Library, 487 (L)
  6. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby, A 4 (D)
  7. Oxford, Jesus College Library, I Arch. I 29, f. 242r-247v (J)
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • Early English Poems and Lives of Saints, copied and edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, 1862 (Transactions of the Philological Society, 1858), f. 22-33.
    Édition d'après le ms. E.
  • Old English Homilies, edited by Richard Morris, t. 1, p. 159-183 et 288-295; t. 2, p. 220-232.
    Édition d'après les mss. D, J et T.
  • An Old English Miscellany Containing a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, Religious Poems of the Thirteenth Century, from manuscripts in the British Museum, Bodleian Library, Jesus College Library, etc. edited with introduction and index of words by the Rev. Richard Morris, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 49), 1872, xvi + 308 p. (ici p. 58-71) [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    Édition antérieure:
    • Early English Alliterative Poems, in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century. Copied and edited from a unique manuscript in the library of the British Museum, with an introduction, notes, and glossarial index, by Richard Morris, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 1), 1864, xli + 216 p. [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • Early English Alliterative Poems, in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century. Copied and edited from a unique manuscript in the library of the British Museum, Cotton, Nero A. X with an introduction, notes, and glossarial index, by Richard Morris. Third reprint, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 1), 1896, xliv + 216 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Early English Alliterative Poems, in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century, edited from the unique manuscript British Museum MS. Cotton Nero A. X by Richard Morris, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 1), 1965, xliv + 216 p. [HT]
    Édition d'après le ms. J.
  • Zupitza, Julius, « Zum Poema morale », Anglia, 1, 1878, p. 5-38. [DZ] [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    Édition d'après le ms. D.
  • Das mittelenglische Poema morale. Im kritischen Text, nach dem sechs vorhandenen Handschriften zum ersten Male herausgegeben von Hermann Lewin, Halle, Niemeyer, 1881, 79 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    Édition d'après tous les mss.
  • Paues, Anna C., « A newly discovered manuscript of the Poema morale », Anglia, 30, 1907, p. 217-237. [DZ] [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    Édition d'après le ms. M.
  • Selections from Early Middle English, 1130-1250, edited with introductions and notes by Joseph Hall, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1920, 2 t. (ici p. 30-53) [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
    • 1949
    • 1951
    • 1953
    • 1956
    • 1958
    • 1963
  • Das frühmittelenglische Poema morale, kritisch herausgegeben mit grammatischer Durchprüfung und deutscher Übersetzung von Dr. Hans Marcus. Gedruckt mit unterstützung der Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft, Leipzig, Mayer und Müller (Palaestra, 194), 1934, iv + 230 p.
Traductions modernes
  • en allemand:
    • Marcus 1934 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
  • Fulk, Robert D., « Early Middle English evidence for Old English meter: resolution in Poema morale », Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 14:4, 2002, p. 331-355. DOI: 10.1017/S147054270200017X
  • Hill, Betty, « The twelfth-century Conduct of Life, formerly the Poema morale or A Moral Ode », Leeds Studies in English, 9, 1977, p. 97-144.
  • Moore, Samuel, « The manuscripts of the Poema morale: revised stemma », Anglia, 54, 1930, p. 269-287. [DZ] DOI: 10.1515/angl.1930.1930.54.269
  • Preusler, Walther, Syntax im Poema Morale, Breslau, Korn, 1914, 95 p. [HT] [IA]
  • Zupitza, J., « Zum Poema morale », Anglia, 4, 1881, p. 406-410. [DZ] [GB: ex. 1, ex. 2] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2] DOI: 10.1515/angl.1881.1881.4.406
Répertoires bibliographiques
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 27 septembre 2021

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