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The Prick of Conscience


Auteur:Attribué sans preuve par R. Morris (1863) à Richard Rolle of Hampole
Titre:Pricke of Conscience; Pryk of Conscience; aucun titre dans le ms. Cambridge, Ee. 4. 35
Date:Vers 1350
Forme:9624 vers à rimes plates
Contenu:Traité sur la nature de l'humain et des quatre dernières choses: la mort, le Jugement dernier, le Paradis et l'Enfer. Poème divisé en sept parties.
Incipit:&Thorn;e myght of þ Fader almyghty,
þe witte of þe Son alwytty,
and þe gudnes of þe Haligast,
a Godde and Lorde of myght mast…
Explicit:… and bryng it til þat blisful place
whar endeles ioy es and solace
til whilk place he us alle bryng,
þat for us vouched safe on rode to hyng.
Amen. Explicit tractus qui dicitur, Stimulus Consciencie. Here endes þe tretice þat es called Pryk of Conscience.
  1. Cambridge (USA), Harvard University, Houghton Library, Eng 515
  2. Cambridge, University Library, Ee. 4. 35, f. 25v-113v [⇛ Description]
  3. Lichfield, Cathedral Library, 16, f. 35r-189v [⇛ Description]
  4. London, British Library, Additional, 11305
  5. London, British Library, Additional, 22283, f. ?? [⇛ Description]
    « Simeon manuscript ».
  6. London, British Library, Arundel, 140
  7. London, British Library, Cotton, Galba E. IX, f. 73 [⇛ Description]
  8. London, British Library, Harley, 106
  9. London, British Library, Harley, 1205
  10. London, British Library, Harley, 1713
  11. London, British Library, Harley, 2281
  12. London, British Library, Harley, 2377
  13. London, British Library, Harley, 2394
  14. London, British Library, Harley, 4196
  15. London, British Library, Harley, 6923
  16. London, British Library, Lansdowne 348
  17. London, British Library, Royal, 18. A. V
  18. London, British Library, Sloane, 2775
  19. London, British Library, Sloane, 2275
  20. London, Lambeth Palace Library, Sion, L40.2/E25, f. 48r-133v
  21. Manchester, Chetham's Library, A.4.103 [⇛ Description]
  22. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Lyell, empt. 6
  23. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson F. 175 [⇛ Description]
  24. Princeton, University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Taylor Medieval, 13 [⇛ Description]
  25. San Marino (USA), Huntington Library, HM 128, f. 1r-94r [⇛ Description]
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • The Pricke of Conscience (Stimulus Conscientiae): a Northumbrian poem by Richard Rolle de Hampole, copied and edited from manuscripts in the library of the British Museum with an introduction, notes, and glossarial index by Richard Morris, Berlin, Asher for the Philological Society, 1863, xli + 328 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Altenglische Sprachproben nebst einem Wörterbuche, unter Mitwirkung von Karl Goldbeck herausgegeben von Eduard Mätzner, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1867-1888, 5 t. en 2 vol. (ici t. 1:1, p. 285-295) [IA: t. 1:1, t. 1:2, t. 2:1, t. 2:2, t. 2:3]
    Édition d'un extrait.
  • Waters, Stacy, The Pricke of Conscience: The Southern Recension, Book V, Ph. D. thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1976.
Traductions modernes
  • Allen, Hope Emily, « The authorship of the Prick of Conscience », Studies in English and Comparative Literature, Boston, Ginn (Radcliffe College Monographs, 15), 1910, p. 115-170.
  • Campbell, Killis, « A neglected manuscript of the Prick of Conscience », Modern Language Notes, 20:7, 1905, p. 210-211. [GB] [HT] [IA] DOI: 10.2307/2917574
  • Chickering, Howell, « Rhetorical stimulus in the Prick of Conscience », Medieval Paradigms. Essays in Honor of Jeremy Duquesnay Adams, éd. Stephanie Hayes-Healy, New York et Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan, 2005, t. 1, p. 191-230.
  • D'Evelyn, Charlotte, « An East Midland recension of the Pricke of Conscience », Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 45:1, 1930, p. 180-200. DOI: 10.2307/457734
  • Köhler, Reinhold, « Quellennachweise zu Richard Rolle's von Hampole Gedicht The Pricke of Conscience », Jahrbuch für romanische und englische Literatur, 6, 1865, p. 196-212. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Lewis, Robert E., « Medieval popularity, modern neglect: the case of the Pricke of Conscience », Fourteenth-Century English Mystics Newsletter, 2:4, 1976, p. 3-8.
  • Lewis, Robert E., « The relationship of the Vernon and Simeon texts of the Pricke of Conscience », So Meny People Longages and Tonges: Philological Essays in Scots and Mediaeval English Presented to Angus McIntosh, éd. Michael Benskin et M. L. Samuels, Edinburgh, 1981, p. 251–264.
  • Lewis, Robert E., et Angus McIntosh, A Descriptive Guide to the Manuscripts of the "Prick of Conscience", Oxford, Society for the Study of Medieval Language and Literature (Medium Ævum Monographs, New Series, 12), 1982, xvi + 174 p.
    Compte rendu: S. J. Ogilvie-Thomson, dans The Review of English Studies, 141, 1985, p. 142-143. * [Jstor]
  • Riehle, Wolfgang, « The authorship of the Prick of Conscience reconsidered », Anglia, 111:1-2, 1993, p. 1-18.
Répertoires bibliographiques
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