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United Kingdom / London / British Library / Additional



  1. York mystery plays

Description matérielle

Date:Fin du XVe-début du XVIe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:63
Format:280 × 205 mm
Justification:185/205 × 75/150 mm
Reliure:Ais de bois (chêne) recouverts de cuir, renforcés par une reliure moderne; traces de fermoirs et boulons
Mise en page:1 colonne


  • Corporation de York
  • Lord Ashburnham (Appendix 137); sa vente, 1899, n° 85
  • Acheté en 1899 par le British Museum


  • Catalogue of the Manuscripts at Ashburnham Place, London, Hodgson, 1853-1861, 4 t. (ici t. 2, no CLXX) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
  • Catalogue of a portion of the collection of manuscripts known as the "Appendix," made by the late Earl of Ashburnham, from whose printed catalogue the descriptions are taken, together with an important text of the later version of Wycliffe's English Bible, known as the Bramhall Manuscript, from the same collection, of which a full account is given from the pen of the Reverend Professor Skeat, London, Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, 1899, [ii] + 100 p. (ici p. 49, no 85) [GB] [IA]
  • Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum in the Years 1894-1899, London, The Trustees, 1901, xiv + 1500 p. (ici p. 236-238, no 35289) [IA]
  • Catalogue en ligne de la bibliothèque
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/6682

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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 11 novembre 2016

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