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United Kingdom / London / British Library / Additional


(Ms. non numérisé)


  1. (f. 1r-30r) Kynge Charlys [= Firumbras, version Fillingham]
    Incipit:God for hys grace sschylde vs from schame
    Her basnettys and her helmys they lacydyn well
    And her gode swerdys that were made of stell…
    Explicit:… Nowe endyth thys gest nowe here
    Off Firumbras de Alsavndre and Sir Olyuer
    And also of Charlemayn that gode holy kyng
    Our Lord graunt that it so be
    Seyth all amen pur charite.
    Off the sarysins that were slawe in that wendyng.
    v.c.m' in Charlys tyme the kyng.
    Explicit Kynge Charlys.
  2. (f. 30v-76r) Otuel and Roland
    Incipit:Herkenyth lordynges and zeuyth lyst
    In the worchyppe of Ihesu Cryst
    Off a conquerour
    That was yhote sir Charlemayn
    Howe he wan Galys of Spayne
    With ful grete honour…
    Explicit:… Now Ihesu Crist in trinite
    O God and persones thre
    To ioye and blysse ous bryng.
    Here endeth Otuel Roulond and Olyuer
    And off the twelf dussypers
    That deyden in the batayle off Runcyvale
    Ihesu Lord heuene kyng
    To hys blysse ous and hem bothe bryng
    To leuen wythoute bale.
    Amen quod J. Gage.
  3. (f. 76) The Eremyte and the Owtelawe
    Incipit:Almyghty God that man gan make…
    Explicit:… And make vs alle blythe and glad.
    Explicit the Eremyte and the Owtelawe.
  4. (f. 83r-90v) The Fendys Parlement
    Incipit:Whan Marye was gret with Gabryel…
    Explicit:… Here endyth the fendys parlement
    God take oure soules to hys rent
    In heuene blys from helle preson.
    Here ys wryten the Fendys Parlement How Ihesu wyzth hys passyon hem blent.
  5. (f. 90v-92v) The Mirror of the Periods of Man's Life, en huitains, seulement les 142 premiers vers
    Incipit:How mankynde doth bygynne…
    Explicit:… Be he bolde wykep or lyzt
    [la fin manque]

Description matérielle

Copiste:J. Gage
Date:Seconde moitié du XVe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:96
Foliotation:i-iv + 1-92
Format:260 × 197 mm
Mise en page: 


  • Ex-libris du XVIe s.: « Edmond Middleton his booke » (f. 61)
  • Ex-libris: « Steepen Barzey of Barzeys Hall in Com. Buckingham. Thomas Barzey » (f. 71)
  • Appartenait en 1805 à William Fillingham, du Middle Temple; on trouve au f. ii une lettre à lui addressée et datée du 17 août [1801?] de la part de G[eorge] Ellis
  • A ensuite appartenu à Sir Henry St. John Mildmay, Bart., de Dogmersfield, Hampshire (sa vente en 1907, lot 186; ex-libris de la Dogmersfield Library sur le plat intérieur).


  • Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum in the Years 1906-1910, London, The Trustees, 1912, xviii + 794 p. (ici p. 53-55, no 37492) [GB] [IA]
  • "Firumbras" and "Otuel and Roland", edited from MS. British Museum Addit. 37492 by Mary Isabelle O'Sullivan, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 198), 1935, lxxxviii + 191 p. [IA]
  • British Library, Manuscripts Catalogue. [www]
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