- (f. 2) Annales ab initio mundi ad annum 1292
- (f. 22) Libellus de summis pontificibus Romanae ecclesiae, a S. Petro ad Johannem XXII anno 1317
- (f. 35) Annales de gestis Anglorum, a morte Hengisti ad annum 1377
- (f. 67ra-68vc) Grantz geanz, version longue
Incipit: | Ci put hom saver coment et quant et de quele gent… |
Explicit: | |
- (f. 69) Compendium de archiepiscopis Cantuariensibus, a S. Augustino ad Johannem de Stratford
- (f. 71v) Thomae Chesterfeld canonici Lichfeldiensis, historia de episcopis Coventriensibus et Lichfeldiensibus, a prima fundatione ecclesiae, ad annum 1347; cum continuatione, alia manu, ad annum 1388 (cf. Wharton, praef., p. 36)
- (f. 77) Breve chronicon per annos digestum, a R. Gulielmo I. ad annum 1314
- (f. 81) Fragments, with orders and letters, touching the civil wars, and the causes thereof, in the reign of Edward II, in Latin and French
- (f. 87) Speculum regis Edwardi III. sive tractatus de gubernatione regni secundum justiciam, per Simonem Islip archiepiscopum Cantuariensem (en papier)
- (f. 113) Life, miracles and translation of Saint Thomas of Canterbury, in Middle English
- (f. 144v) Miracles of the Virgin, in Middle English
- (f. 150v) Life of Saint Cecily, in Middle English
- (f. 153va-161vb) Life of pope Gregory
Description matérielle
Copiste: | Inconnu |
Lieu: | |
Date: | XIVe-XVe siècle |
Nombre de feuillets: | 163 |
Foliotation: | 1-163 |
Format: | Grand in-quarto |
Justification: | |
Support: | Parchemin et papier |
Reliure: | |
Mise en page: | |
Décoration: | |
- Smith, Thomas, Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum bibliothecæ Cottonianæ. Cui præmittuntur illustris viri, D. Roberti Cottoni, Equitis Aurati et Baronetti, vita: et bibliothecæ Cottonianæ historia et synopsis, Oxford, Sheldon, 1696, [xiii] + li + 184 p. (ici p. 142) [GB] [IA]
- A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library Deposited in the British Museum, London, The Trustees, 1802, xvi + 618 + [75] p. (ici p. 583-584) [GB] [IA]
Édition antérieure:- A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library. To which are Added, many Emendations and Additions. With an Appendix, Containing an Account of the Damage Sustained by the Fire in 1731; and also a Catalogue of the Charters Preserved in the Same Library, London, Hooper, 1777, xvi + 120 + [73] p. [GB] [IA]
- Die mittelenglische Gregoriuslegende, herausgegeben von Carl Keller, Heidelberg, Winter; New York, Stechert (Alt- und mittelenglische Texte, 6), 1914, xiv + 195 p. (ici p. vi) (sigle: C) [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 9 juin 2020