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Eiríks saga rauða ok Grænlendingaþáttr


Björn was the son of Karlsefni and Guðriðar; he was the father of Þórunna, the mother of Bishop Bjarnar. Many people have come from Karlsefni, and he has become a popular man. And Karlsefni has happened to tell everyone's events about all these journeys, which is now a few words.
Titre:Eiríks saga rauða ok Grænlendingaþáttr
Date:XIIIe siècle
Genre:Saga scandinave
Incipit:Þorvaldr hét maðr, son Ásvalds Úlfssonar, Öxna-Þórissonar. Þorvaldr ok Eiríkr enn rauði son hans fóru af Jaðri til Íslands fyrir víga sakir. þá var víða bygt Ísland. Þeir bjuggu fyrst at Dröngum á Hornströndum; þar andaðisk Þorvaldr. Eiríkr fekk þá Þórhildar dóttur Jörundar ok Þorbjargar knarrarbringu…
Explicit:… Björn hét son Karlsefnis ok Guðriðar; hann var faðir Þórunnar, móður Bjarnar byskups. Fjöldi manna er frá Karlsefni kominn, ok er hann kynsæll maðr orðinn. Ok hefir Karlsefni gerst sagt allra manna atburði um farar þessar allar, er nú er nökkut orði á komit.
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • Eiríks saga rauða ok Grænlendingaþáttr. Búið hefir til prentunar Vald. Ásmundarson, Reykjavík, Sigurður Kristjánsson (Íslendinga sögur, 34), 1902, [iv] + 31 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Eiríks saga rauða ok Grænlendingaþáttr. Búið hefir til prentunar Benedikt Sveinsson, Reykjavík, Sigurður Kristjánsson (Íslendinga sögur, 34), 1926, vi + 34 p. [IA]
  • Eyrbyggja saga; Brands þáttr örva; Eiríks saga rauða; Grœnlendinga saga; Grœnlendinga þáttr. Einar Ól. Sveinsson og Matthías Thórðarson gáfu út, Reykjavík, Hið íslenzka fornritafélag (Íslenzk fornrit, 4), 1935, xcvi + 331 p. + 6 pl.
  • Die Vínlandsagas. Ausgewählte Texte zur Entdeckung Amerikas durch die Wikinger mit Anmerkungen und Glossar herausgegeben von Else Ebel, Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1973, 83 p.
Traductions modernes
  • en allemand:
    • Die Vinland Sagas, aus dem Altisländischen übersetzt von Bernhard Gottschling; mit einem Nachwort von Else Ebel, Hattingen, Kretschmer (Altnordische Bibliothek, 2), 1982, 114 p.
  • en anglais:
    • The Vinland Sagas: the Norse Discovery of America. Grænlendinga saga and Eirik's saga, translated with an introduction by Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson, London et New York, Penguin Books (Penguin Classics), 1987, 123 p.
    • Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas, translated with an introduction by Gwyn Jones, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press (Oxford World's Classics, 562), 1999, xviii + 318 p. (ici p. 126-157) [IA]
      Éditions antérieures:
      • Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas, selected and translated with an introduction by Gwyn Jones, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press (The World's Classics, 562), 1961, xix + 318 p. [IA]
      • Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas, translated with an introduction by Gwyn Jones, Oxford, New York, Toronto et Melbourne, Oxford University Press (The World's Classics, 562), 1980, xviii + 318 p. [IA]
    • The Sagas of Icelanders: a Selection. Preface by Jane Smiley; introduction by Robert Kellogg, New York, Viking (World of the Sagas), 2000, lxvi + 782 p. [IA]
      • The Sagas of Icelanders: a Selection. Preface by Jane Smiley; introduction by Robert Kellogg, New York, Penguin (World of the Sagas), 2001, lxvi + 782 p. [IA]
      Traduction par Keneva Kunz reprise des Complete Sagas of Icelanders (1997).
  • en français:
    • Saga d'Eiríkr le Rouge; suivi de Saga des Groenlandais, traduit de l'islandais et annoté par Régis Boyer, Paris, Gallimard (Folio, 5164), 2010, 107 p.
  • en norvégien:
    • Lindh, Knut, Leiv Eiriksson: oppdagelsen av Amerika, Oslo, Fahrenheit, 2000, 178 p.
    • Soga om Rolv Krake. Med Bjarkemål Omsett av Erik Eggen; revidert av Øystein Frøysadal, Oslo, Det Norske Samlaget (Norrøne bokverk, 39), 1962, 154 p.
  • en suédois:
    • Larsson, Mats G., Vinland det goda: Nordbornas färder till Amerika under vikingatiden, Stockholm, Atlantis, 1999, 183 p.
  • Andersson, Theodore M., The Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas (1180-1280), Ithaca et London, Cornell University Press, 2006, x + 237 p. ISBN: 9780801444081, 9780801477829
  • Olson, Oscar Ludvig, The Relation of the "Hrólfs saga kraka" and the "Bjarkarímur" to "Beowulf": A Contribution to the History of Saga Development in England and Scandinavian Countries, Chicago, University of Chicago Libraries, 1916, 104 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Wawn, Andrew, et Þórunn Sigurðardóttir, éd., Approaches to Vínland: A Conference on the Written and Archaeological Sources for the Norse Settlements in the North-Atlantic Region and Exploration of America, the Nordic House, Reykjavík, 9-11 August 1999: Proceedings, Reykjavík, Sigurður Nordal Institute (Sigurður Nordal Institute Studies, 4), 2001, 238 p.
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> Wikidata: Q930237
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 25 mars 2022

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