- Motets de Philippe de Vitry et de Guillaume de Machaut
- Denis le Grant, La chace de faucons (ballade)
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- Professione, Alfonso, Inventario dei manoscritti della Biblioteca capitolare di Ivrea, Forlì, Bordandini, 1894, 20 p. [GB] [IA]
- Kügle, Karl, The Manuscript Ivrea, Biblioteca Capitolare, 115: Studies in the Transmission and Composition of Ars Nova Polyphony, Ph. D. dissertation, New York University, 1993, xviii + 444 p. [PQ]
- Kügle, Karl, The Manuscript of Ivrea, Biblioteca capitolare, 115: Studies in the Transmission and Composition of Ars Nova Polyphony, Ottawa, Institute of Medieval Music, 1997, p. 156-162.
- Cuthbert, Michael Scott Asato, « Two "textless" elaborations of chant from the Ivrea Codex », Manuscripts, Music, Machaut: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Earp, éd. Jared C. Hartt, Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel et Benjamin L. Albritton, Turnhout, Brepols (Épitome musical), 2022, p. 485-495.
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 14 octobre 2023