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United Kingdom / Oxford / Bodleian Library / Lyell



  1. (f. 1r-36r) La controversie de noblesse, par Jean Miélot
    Incipit:Ici commence la controversie de noblesse plaidoyee entre Publius Cornelius Scipion d'une part et Gaius Flaminius de aultre part, laquelle a esté faicte et composee par un notable docteur en loix et grant orateur nomine Surse de Pistoye.
    Entre noz anciens maistres a esté souvent disputé de noblesse…
    Explicit:… laissiet du tout en vostre sentence.
    Fin de ceste controversie de noblesse plaidoié entre Publius Cornelius Scipion d'une part et entre Gayus Flaminius d'autre part.
  2. (f. 1)
  3. (f. 1)
  4. Buonaccorso da Montemagno, Controuersia de nobilitate (French translation by Jean Miélot) Language(s): Middle French 2. Jean Miélot, Le debat de honneur entre Hannibal, Alixandre le grant et Scipion Language(s): Middle French 3. Adenet le Roy, Cléomadès (abbreviated prose version) Language(s): Middle French
48 JEAN MIELOT, ETC. In French, on paper, with parchment flyleaves, written perhaps in Flanders or N. France, possibly at Lille, in the mid-15th cent., in a rather crude, large, Burgundian' cursive hand : mm.: leaves (fol. i--ii, 98-9 are flyleaves) : 25 long lines which often considerably overrun the right-hand vertical line, ruled with a hard point, only on alter-nate lines : collation, 2 original parchment flyleaves, I-312, I parchment leaf, 412_812, 2 original parchment flyleaves ; horizontal catchwords and some quire signatures, starting from the second quire : watermarks, letter P with flower, close to Briquet no. 8606, and two or three versions of the French-type unicorn, hard to see clearly, cf. Briquet nos. 10013-14 : initial on fol. in blue and red flourished in red and brown ; other initials blue and red, or plain red. French binding of stamped calf over parchment, with a flap on the lower cover. The covers are blind-stamped with concentric rectangular panels of square stamps all arranged facing upwards ; taken from the centre they are rosettes, fleur-de-lis (diamond-shaped stamp, put on its side to MANUSCRIPT LYELL 48 appear square), and two-headed eagles. The rosette sta the fold-over flap. There are traces of three clasps. 129 repeated on 2° fo. lignie ou I Jean Mielot. a Translation of Buonaccorso da Montemagno it Giovane, De nobilitate (fol. 1) ` Fol. 36v is blank, except for a catchword for the beginning of item b; fol. 37, of parchment, is also blank. b (fol. 38) 'Cy commence ung debat entre trois chevalereux princes' (i) first Prologue beg.: Pour ce que cy dessus ou premier traittie a este dispute de noblesse par maniere de controversie entre Cornelius Scipion et Gayus Flaminius, le iugement demoure insoluble ie voeil adiouster une playdoirie et debat, ends: quest vraye noblesse; (ii) second prologue 'Et premierement le prologue de lacteur qui donne assez a entendre toute la maniere et substance dudit escrit' beg.: En chercheant dedens mon petit estude aucune chose digne destre presen-tee et offerte a vostre seignourie . . . iay daventure trouve ung debat de trois vaillans et chevaleureux princes . . . (fol. 38v) Pour lequel debat translater en cler franchois ie menploiay incontinent, ends (fol. 40) : en temps passe. Fin du prologe; (iii) text 'Cy commence le debat et estafi des trois princes dessusnom-mez et premierement de Alexandre alencontre de Hanibal. Et dist en tele maniere' beg.: E to Hanibal ie ne pouroie souffrir, ends (fol. 46v) : a respandre sang humain et a gaster le monde. Cy fine le debat des trois chevaleureux prince[siel. Fol. 47-9 are blank, apart from a catchword on fol. 49. For the two works, which are generally found together in MSS. and which were printed together by Mansion at Bruges (Proctor, no. 9317; Campbell, no. 1632 B.M. Cat. of Books Printed in XV cent. ix, ii (1962), pp. 132-3), see P. Perdrizet, `Jean Mielot, l'un des traducteurs de Philippe le Bon', Revue d'histoire litt. de la France 14 (1907), 475. The first prologue to the Debat (b CO) is found in the Mansion edition but is not found in any of the Brussels MSS. The Controversie (a) was pr. Burger, Eine franzosische Handschrift der Breslauer Stadtbibliothek (Stadtisches Realgymnasium am Zwinger zu Breslau, Beilage zum Programm Ostern 1901), Breslau. Our text is very close to the printed version (M, identifi able as Mansion's edition) which he cites. R. Bossuat (Manuel bibliog. de la litt francaise du m.d., 1951, no. 5982) says that Burger printed the Debat (b) at the same time, but it is not in the Bodleian copy. 9518280

Description matérielle

Lieu:Nord de la France (Lille?)
Date:Milieu du XVe siècle
Nombre de feuillets: 
Format:210 × 140 mm
Justification:155 × 90-110 mm
Reliure:Veau estampé
Mise en page: 
Décoration:Initiale filigranée rouge et bleue au f. 1; initiales rouges et bleues ou seulement rouges dans le reste du ms.


  • James P. R. Lyell (1871-1948), qui le lègue à la Bodleian Library avec 99 autres manuscrits de sa collection


  • Madan, Falconer, H. H. E. Craster et al., A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1895-1953, 7 t. en 8 vol. (ici t. 2:2, p. 965, no 5123) [IA: t. 1, t. 2:1, t. 2:2, t. 3, t. 4, t. 5, t. 6, t. 7]
  • La Mare, A. de, Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts Bequeathed to the Bodleian Library Oxford by James P. R. Lyell, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1971, p. 128-130, n° 48.
  • Catalogue en ligne de la bibliothèque
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/11471

Voir aussi:
> Biblissima: Q274490
> IRHT: ARCA: md13zs261x07
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 4 mars 2022

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