- I.
- (f. IIv) John Lydgate, Prayer for King, Queen and People, extrait
Texte complet: | Lord god preserue vnder þy mighty hande þe kynge þe qwene þe people and þis lande. |
- (f. IIv) John Lydgate, Pageant of Knowledge, extrait
Incipit: | þe worlde so wyde þayre so remuable þe lytel man so lytel of stature… |
Explicit: | þat made is of þoes foure þis flitting may stidfast beo as here in his living. |
- (f. IIv) John Lydgate, Tyed with a lyne, extrait
Incipit: | þe more I go þe firþer I am behinde þe firþer behinde þe nerre my weyes eonde… |
Explicit: | … Is þis fortune not I or infortune þaughe I go loose I tyed am with youre lune. |
- (f. IIv) Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde, extrait du livre I, v. 631-637
Incipit: | A whestone is no karving instrument and yitte it makeþe sharp karving tholis… |
Explicit: | … If þowe de so þy witte is wele bywared by his contrarye is every thing declared. |
- (f. III) Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde, extrait du livre I, v. 400-406
Incipit: | If no love is o lord what fele I so and if love is what thing and what is he… |
Explicit: | … þat from it comþe may to me savoury thenke for ay thrist I þe more þat I it drynke. |
- (f. III) John Walton, Boethius, extrait
Incipit: | As þat pouert causeþe soburnesse and feobulnesse enforceþe continence… |
Explicit: | … þere is no more perayllous pestylence þane hye estate graunted vn to shrewes. To yowe Chaucier. |
- (f. 1r-12v) John Lydgate, Daunce of Machabree, en vers anglais
Incipit: | O see folkes harde herted as a stone which to the world haue al your aduertence… |
Explicit: | … of her tunge I haue no suffisaunce her corious metris in inglissh to translate. Amen. |
- (f. 13r-v) John Lydgate, Resoun of the rammeshorne, en vers anglais
Incipit: | Al right wisnesse dothe now procede sitte crowned liche an emperesse… |
Explicit: | … Thus eche astate is gouerned yn sothenesse conueied be lyne right as a rammeshorne. |
- (f. 14r-v) John Lydgate, Sotel resoun of the crabbe, en vers anglais
Incipit: | This worlde is ful of stablenesse ther is ther ynne no veriaunce… |
Explicit: | … the heueneli signe maketh demonstraunce right as the Crabbe gothe forewarde. |
- (f. 15r-17r) John Lydgate, De fallacia mundi, en vers anglais
Incipit: | Considere welle with eueri circumstaunce of what estate euer thowe be… |
Explicit: | … chastiseth the reuers and of wisdom dothe this voideth ȝowre heryng from al that sey a mys. |
- (f. 18r-115r) Thomas Hoccleve, Regiment of princes, en vers anglais
Incipit: | Musyng vp on the restles besynes wiche that trowbli world hathe ay on honde… |
Explicit: | … and if lust be to his magnyficence do be thi reed his welthes shal witnesse. |
- (f. 115v) Itinéraire de 65 endroits de Calais à Jérusalem, en anglais
Incipit: | The weye vnto Rome and soo too Venyse and to Ierusalem… |
Explicit: | |
- II.
- (f. 116r-126v) Storie of Asneth
Incipit: | Ha cruell deth contrarious to creatures in kynde ha deeth dispitous who may aduertise… |
Explicit: | … comely kynde and curteis in nobleye of nurture vernant in alle vertu plesaunt and demure. |
- (f. 126v-127r) Complainte sur la mort d'une dame, en vers anglais; constituerait l'épilogue du texte précédent selon ses éditeurs
Incipit: | Ha cruell deth contrarious to creatures in kynde ha deeth dispitous who may aduertise… |
Explicit: | … comely kynde and curteis in nobleye of nurture vernant in alle vertu plesaunt and demure. |
- (f. 127v) Lettres patentes d'Henri VIII d'Angleterre à propos du monastère de Faversham (Kent), en latin et incomplètes de la fin
Incipit: | [H]enricus octavus dei gracia Anglie et Francie Rex… |
Explicit: | … Cum nuper monasterium de Feversham in comitatu nostro kant. iam [la fin manque] |
Description matérielle
Copiste: | I. John Shirley; II. Inconnu |
Lieu: | |
Date: | |
Nombre de feuillets: | |
Foliotation: | |
Format: | × |
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Notes: | |
- MacCracken, Henry Noble, « The Storie of Asneth. An unknown Middle English translation of a lost Latin version », The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 9:2, 1910, p. 224-264. [jstor.org] [GB] [HT] [IA]
- Religious Lyrics of the XVth Century, edited by Carleton Brown, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1939, p. 241-243.
- Dutschke, C. W., et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Huntington Library, San Marino, Huntington Library, 1989, 2 t. (ici p. 35-39) [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
- Heroic Women from the Old Testament in Middle English Verse, edited by Russell A. Peck, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications (Middle English Texts), 1991, x + 157 p. [metseditions.org]
- Catalogue en ligne de la bibliothèque
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 11 août 2021