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Richard Rolle

Richard Rolle of Hampole | Richard Rolle de Hampole


Né peu avant 1300 — Mort en 1349

Fils de paysans du Yorkshire, il entreprend, à 18 ans, des études à Oxford grâce à son camarade Thomas Neville, futur archidiacre de Durham, qui finance ses études. Il les interrompt puis les reprend à Paris entre 1320 et 1326



  • Altenglische Sprachproben nebst einem Wörterbuche, unter Mitwirkung von Karl Goldbeck herausgegeben von Eduard Mätzner, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1867-1888, 5 t. en 2 vol. (ici t. 1:2, p. 118-152) [IA: t. 1:1, t. 1:2, t. 2:1, t. 2:2, t. 2:3]
    Édition d'extraits.
  • English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole (Who Died A.D. 1349), edited from Robert Thornton's Ms. (Cir. 1440 A. D.) in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, by George G. Perry, London, Trübner (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 20), 1866, xxxiii + 49 p. — 2e éd., London, Oxford University Press, 1921, 55 p.; réimpr.: Millwood, Kraus, 1987; Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987.
  • Yorkshire Writers: Richard Rolle of Hampole, and English Father of the Church, and his Followers, edited by C. Horstman, London, Sonnenschein, 1895-1896, 2 t., xiv + 443, xliii + 458 p. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
  • Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose, edited by Kenneth Sisam, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1921, xlvii + 292 p. (ici p. 36-43) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • 1923
    • 1924
    • 1927
    • 1933
    • 1937 (with corrections)
    • 1944
    • 1946
    • 1948
    • 1950
    • 1955 (with corrections)
    • 1959
    • 1962
    • Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose, edited by Kenneth Sisam, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1964, xlvii + 292 p. [HT] [IA]
    Édition de trois textes anglais: Love is life, De natura apis et The seven gifts of the Holy Ghost (ch. 9 de The Form of Perfect Living).
  • Writings Ascribed to Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole and Materials for his Biography by Hope Emily Allen, New York, Heath; London, Oxford University Press (The Modern Language Association of America. Monograph Series, 3), 1927, xv + 568 p. — Réimpr.: New York, Kraus, 1966.
  • Selected Works of Richard Rolle, Hermit Transcribed, with an Introduction, by G. C. Heseltine, London, New York et Toronto, Longmans, 1930, xxxv + 245 p.
  • English Writings of Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole, edited by Hope Emily Allen, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1931, 180 p.
  • The Life of Richard Rolle, Together with an Edition of his English Lyrics, by Frances M. M. Comper, London, Dent, 1933.
  • Mystiques anglais: Richard Rolle, Juliane de Nordwich, Le Nuage de l'inconnaissance, Walter Hilton. Introduction et choix de textes par Paul Renaudin, Paris, Aubier (Les maîtres de la spiritualité chrétienne. Textes et études), 1954, 252 p. — Réimpr.: 1957.
  • Richard Rolle, Prose and Verse, edited from MS Longleat 29 and related manuscripts by S. J. Ogilvie-Thomson, Oxford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society, 293), 1988, xcvi + 270 p.
  • Richard Rolle, Unprinted Latin Writings, edited by Ralph Hanna, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press (Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies), 2019, 261 p. ISBN: 9781789620238


  • Alford, John, « Biblical imitatio in the writings of Richard Rolle », Journal of English Literary History, 40, 1973, p. 1-23.
  • Beer, Frances, Women and Mystical Experience in the Middle Ages, Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 1992, vi + 174 p. [IA] ISBN: 9780851153025
    • 1993
    • 1995
  • Bendon Davis, Carmel, Mysticism and Space: Space and Spatiality in the Works of Richard Rolle, "The Cloud of Unknowing" Author, and Julian of Norwich, Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2008, 271 p.
    Compte rendu: Christopher Roman, dans The Medieval Review, 08.11.06. * [TMR]
  • Davis, Carmel Bendon, Mysticism and Space: Space and Spatiality in the Works of Richard Rolle, "The Cloud of Unknowing" Author, and Julian of Norwich, Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 2008, xiii + 271 p. ISBN: 9780813215228
  • Doyle, A. I., « Carthusian participation in the movement of works of Richard Rolle between England and other parts of Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries », Kartäusermystik und -Mystiker, éd. James Hogg, Salzburg, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg (Analecta Cartusiana, 55), 1981, t. 2, p. 109-120.
  • Féret, P., La Faculté de théologie de Paris et ses docteurs les plus célèbres. Moyen-Âge, Paris, Picard, 1894-1897, 4 t. (ici t. 3, p. 247-250) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
  • Henningsen, Hermann, Über die Wortstellung in den Prosaschriften Richard Rolles von Hampole, Erlangen, Junge, 1911, viii + 23 p.
  • Horstmann, C., Richard Rolle of Hampole: An English Father of the Church, and his Followers, London, Sonnenschein; New York, Macmillan, 1895-1896, 2 t. — Réimpr.: Woodbridge, Brewer, 1999.
  • Karáth, Tamás, Richard Rolle: The Fifteenth-Century Translations, Turnhout, Brepols (Medieval Church Studies, 40), 2018, xii + 370 p. ISBN: 9782503577692
    Compte rendu: Michael Van Dussen, dans The Medieval Review, 20.08.38, 2020. [www]
  • Kribel, Gustav, Studien zu Richard Rolle de Hampole. Lamentatio St. Bernardi de Compassione Mariae, Altenburg, Geibel, 1883, 48 p.
  • Kubouchi, Tadao, From Wulfstan to Richard Rolle: Papers Exploring the Continuity of English Prose, Cambridge, Brewer, 1999, xvi + 176 p.
  • Lears, Adin E., « Repetition, craft-knowledge, and Richard Rolle's creaturely sublime », New Medieval Literatures, 21, 2021, p. 115-143.
  • Olmes, Antonie, Sprache und Stil der englischen Mystik des Mittelalters, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Richard Rolle von Hampole, Halle, Niemeyer (Studien zur englischen Philologie, 76), 1933, viii + 100 p.
  • Madigan, Mary Felicitas, The Passio Domini Theme in the Works of Richard Rolle: His Personal Contribution in its Religious, Cultural, and Literary Context, Salzburg, Institut für englische Sprache und Literatur, Universität Salzburg (Salzburg Studies in English Literature. Elizabethan and Renaissance Studies, 79), 1978, iv + 347 p.
  • Manter, Lisa, Passionate Imaginings: The Mystical Remythologies of Richard Rolle, Julian of Norwich, and Margery Kempe, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1998.
  • Manter, Lisa, « Rolle playing: "And the word became flesh again" », The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Medieval Religious Literature, éd. Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Duncan Robertson et Nancy Bradley Warren, New York et Basingstoke, Palgrave (The New Middle Ages), 2002, p. 15-37.
  • Marzac, Nicole, Richard Rolle de Hampole (1300–1349), vie et oeuvres, suivies du "Tractatus super Apocalypsim", texte critique avec traduction et commentaire, Paris, Vrin, 1968, 211 p.
  • Mackinnon, Effie, Studies in Fourteenth Century English Mysticism: Richard Rolle, Walter Hilton, Juliana of Norwich, The Cloud of Unknowing, Urbana, s. n., 1934, 15 p.
  • McNamer, Sarah, Affective Meditation and the Invention of Medieval Compassion, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (The Middle Ages), 2010, viii + 309 p. ISBN: 9780812242119
    Compte rendu: Ineke van't Spijker, dans The Medieval Review, 10.06.20. [www]
  • Renaudin, Paul, Quatre mystiques anglais: Richard Rolle, Juliane de Norwich, dom Augustin Baker, Gertrude More, Paris, Cerf, 1945, 215 p.
    Compte rendu: [anonyme], dans Revue du Moyen Âge latin, 2, 1946, p. 97-98.
  • Renevey, Denis, « Name above names: the devotion to the name of Jesus from Richard Rolle to Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection I », The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England: Exeter Symposium VI, éd. Marion Glasscoe, Cambridge, Brewer, 1999, p. 103-121.
  • Renevey, Denis, Language, Self and Love: Hermeneutics in the Writings of Richard Rolle and the Commentaries on the Song of Songs, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2001, xi + 228 p.
  • Sainte-Marie, Alain, « L'inspiration chez Richard Rolle », L'inspiration. Le souffle créateur dans les arts, littératures et mystiques du Moyen Âge européen et proche-oriental. Colloque international tenu en Sorbonne les 23–24 mai 2002, éd. Claire Kappler et Roger Grozelier, Paris, L'Harmattan (Kubaba. Actes, 8), 2006, p. 229-240.
  • Sargent, Michael G., « Contemporary criticism of Richard Rolle », Karthäusermystik und -Mystiker, Salzburg, Universität Salzburg (Analecta Cartusiana, 55:1), 1981, p. 160-205.
  • Schneider, John Philip, The Prose Style of Richard Rolle of Hampole with Special Reference to Its Euphuistic Tendencies, Baltimore, Furst, 1906, [v] + 85 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Ullmann, Julius, Studien zu Richard Rolle de Hampole, Heilbronn, Hofbuchdruck, 1883, 46 p.
  • Watson, Nicholas, Richard Rolle and the Invention of Authority, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 13), 1991, xiv + 358 p.
Répertoires bibliographiques
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/1947

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q2345308
> IRHT: Jonas: intervenant/2885
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