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Robert Henryson


Né peut-être entre 1420 et 1425 — Mort entre 1490 et 1508

On ne sait à peu près rien de sa vie sinon qu'il était maître ès arts, avait étudié le droit et dirigeait probablement l'école de Dunfermline (Écosse).


  • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. [GB] [HT] [IA]
  • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
  • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
  • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, Edited from the Earliest Manuscripts and Printed Texts by H. Harvey Wood, Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 1933, xlix + 304 p.
    Compte rendu: Douglas Hamer, dans The Modern Language Review, 29:3, 1934, p. 342-344. [Jstor]
  • Robert Henryson, Poems, edited by Charles Elliott, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963, xxvi + 184 p.
    Compte rendu: John MacQueen, dans The Review of English Studies, 62, 1965, p. 224-225. [Jstor]
  • The Poems of Robert Henryson, éd. Denton Fox, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1981, cxxiii + 596 p.
    Compte rendu: Florence H. Ridley, dans Speculum, 57:3, 1982, p. 626-631. [Jstor]
  • Robert Henryson, The Poems, éd. Denton Fox, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987, xvi + 296 p.
    Compte rendu: Anne Samson, dans Literature in the Modern Media: Radio, Film, and Television, The Yearbook of English Studies, 20, 1990, p. 328. [Jstor]
  • The Poems of Robert Henryson, ed. Robert L. Kindrick with Kristie A. Bixby, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications (Middle English Texts), 1997, ix + 313 p.
    Compte rendu: Daniel Donoghue, dans Speculum, 74:2, 1999, p. 431-432. [Jstor]
  • The Makars: The Poems of Henryson, Dunbar, and Douglas, edited, introduced, and annotated by J. A. Tasioulas, Edinburgh, Canongate Books, 1999.
  • Selected Poems of William Dunbar and Robert Henryson, edited by Douglas Gray, Penguin, 1999.
    Compte rendu: James Campbell, « Scotland's first confessional poet », The Threepenny Review, 80, 2000, p. 12-13. [Jstor]
  • Klinck, Anne L., The Voices of Medieval English Lyric: An Anthology of Poems ca 1150-1530, Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019, xx + 419 p. ISBN: 9780773558823
    Compte rendu: Simone Celine Marshall, dans The Medieval Review, 22.04.05, 2022. [www]
  • Benson, C. David, « Critic and poet: what Lydgate and Henryson did to Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde », Modern Language Quarterly, 53:1, 1992, p. 23-40.
  • Boffey, Julia, « Lydgate, Henryson, and the literary testament », Modern Language Quarterly, 53, 1992, p. 41-56.
  • Gray, Douglas, Robert Henryson, Brookfield, Variorum (English Writers of the Late Middle Ages, 9), 1996.
  • Kindrick, Robert L., « Monarchs and monarchy in the poetry of Henryson and Dunbar », Actes du 2e Colloque de langue et de littérature écossaisses, éd. Jean-Jacques Blanchot et Claude Graf, Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, 1979, p. 307-325.
  • Kindrick, Robert L., Henryson and the Medieval Arts of Rhetoric, New York, Garland, 1993.
  • Lyall, R. J., « Henryson and Boccaccio: a problem in the study of sources », Anglia, 99, 1981, p. 38-59.
  • Machan, Tim W., « Textual authority and the works of Hoccleve, Lydgate and Henryson », Viator, 23, 1992, p. 281-299.
  • MacQueen, John, Robert Henryson: A Study of the Major Narrative Poems, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1967.
  • McDiarmid, Matthew P., « Robert Henryson in his poems », Bards and Makars, éd. Adam J. Aitken, Matthew P. McDiarmid et Derick S. Thompson, Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 1977, p. 27-40.
  • McKenna, Steven R., Robert Henryson's Tragic Vision, New York, Peter Lang, 1994.
  • Orlemanski, Julie, Symptomatic Subjects: Bodies, Medicine, and Causation in the Literature of Late Medieval England, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (Alembics), 2019, ix + 333 p. DOI: 10.9783/9780812296082 ISBN: 9780812296082
  • Seymour, Michael C., éd., English Writers of the Late Middle Ages. Nos 7-11, Aldershot et Brookfield, Variorum (Authors of the Middle Ages, 3), 1996, vi + 256 p.
  1. The morall fabillis of Esope

    Date:Fin du XVe siècle?
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Forme:2975 vers
    Contenu:Recueil de 13 fables traduites
    Incipit:The Prolog
    Thocht feinyeit fabils of ald poetre
    Be not al grunded upon truth, yit than
    Thair polite termes of sweit Rhetore
    Richt pleasand ar Unto the eir of man…
    Explicit:… To mak exempill and ane similitude.
    Now Christ for us that deit on the Rude,
    Of saull and lyfe as thow art Salviour,
    Grant us till pas in till ane blissit hour.
    1. Edinburgh, Advocates Library, 1. 1. 6.
      Surnommé « The Bannatyne MS. »
    2. Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, 16500 [⇛ Description]
      Surnommé « The Asloan MS. »
    3. Edinburgh, University Library, Laing III.149
      Surnommé « The Makculloch MS. »
    4. London, British Library, Harley, 3865
    Éditions anciennes
    1. Morall fabillis, compylit in eloquent, and ornate Scottis meter
      Edinburgh, Robert Lekpreuik pour Henry Charteris, 1570
      ARLIMA: EA1688   USTC: 507019   ESTC: S110261
    2. Morall fabillis, compylit in eloquet, & ornate Scottis meter
      Edinburgh, Thomas Bassandyne, 1571
      ARLIMA: EA1689   USTC: 507326   ESTC: S90052
      Exemplaire en ligne: [Edinburgh]
    3. The fabulous tales, every tale moralized most aptly to this present time, worthy to be read. Compiled moste eloquently in Scottishe metre
      London, Henry Bynneman pour Richard Smith, 1577
      ARLIMA: EA1690   USTC: 508277   ESTC: S90053
    4. The morall fabl[...] of Esope, the Phrygian
      Edinburgh, Andro Hart, 1621
      ARLIMA: EA1691
    Éditions modernes
    • The Moral Fables of Robert Henryson. Reprinted from the edition of Andrew Hart. Presented to the Maitland Club by Duncan Stewart, Edinburgh, Thomson, 1832, [vii] + xii + 98 p. [GB] [IA]
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 99-224 et 262-300) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 2) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 1-140) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, Schoolmaster of Dunfermline, edited from the earliest manuscripts and printed texts by H. Harvey Wood, Edinburgh et London, Oliver and Boyd, 2e éd., 1958, xlvii + 304 p. [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • Robert Henryson, Poems, edited by Charles Elliott, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963, xxvi + 184 p.
      Compte rendu: John MacQueen, dans The Review of English Studies, 62, 1965, p. 224-225. [Jstor]
    • Fratus, David Joseph, Robert Henryson's "Moral Fables": Tradition, Text, and Translation, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1971, 234 p. [PQ]
    • The Moral Fables of Aesop by Robert Henryson: an edition of the Middle Scots text, with a facing prose translation, introduction, and notes by George D. Gopen, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press; Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press, 1987, viii + 231 p.
      Comptes rendus: Sally Mapstone, dans The Review of English Studies, 157, 1989, p. 116-117. [jstor.org] — Daniel Donoghue, dans Speculum, 65:3, 1990, p. 689-690. DOI: 10.2307/2864084
    Traductions modernes
    • en anglais:
      • Ross, J., The Book of Scottish Poems: Ancient and Modern, Edinburgh, t. 1, 1878.
        Traduction partielle.
      • Fratus 1971 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
      • Gopen, George David, The Moral Fables of Aesop the Phrygian by Robert Henryson: An Annotated Translation, Ph. D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1975, lxxvi + 223 p. + [27] f. de pl. [PQ]
      • Gopen 1987 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
    • Bauman, Richard, « The folktale and oral tradition in the fables of Robert Henryson », Fabula, 6:2, 1964, p. 108-124. DOI: 10.1515/fabl.1964.6.2.108
    • Bone, Gavin, « The source of Henryson's "Fox, Wolf, and Cadger" », Review of English Studies, 10 (no 39), 1934, p. 319-320.
    • Bradburn, E. M., "True Lies": Robert Henryson's Fables and the Moral of the Aesopic Poetry, D.Phil., University of York, 1997.
    • Bright, Philippa M., « Medieval concepts of the figure and Henryson's figurative technique in The Fables », Studies in Scottish Literature, 25, 1990, p. 134-153.
    • Burrow, J. A., « Henryson: the preaching of the swallow », Essays in Criticism, 25, 1975, p. 25-37.
    • Clark, George, « Henryson and Aesop: the fable transformed », English Literary History, 43, 1976, p. 1-18.
    • Crowne, David K., « A date for the composition of Henryson's fables », Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 61, 1962, p. 583-590.
    • Diebler, Arthur Richard, Henrisone's Fabeldichtungen, Halle, Karras, 1885, [v] + 88 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Ellenberger, Bengt, The Latin Element in the Vocabulary of the Earlier Makars Henryson and Dunbar, Lund, Printab (Lund Studies in English, 51), 1977, 163 p.
    • Fox, Denton, « Henryson's Fables », ELH, 29:4, 1962, p. 337-356.
    • Fox, Denton, « Henryson and Caxton », Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 67, 1968, p. 586-593.
    • Fox, Denton, « A Scoto-Danish stanza: Wyatt, Henryson and the two mice », Notes and Queries, 18 (no 216), 1971, p. 203-207.
    • Friedman, John Block, « Henryson, the friar and the Confessio Reynardi », Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 66, 1967, p. 550-561.
    • Gabbard, Gregory Norman, The Animal-Human Double Context in Beast Fables and Beast Tales of Chaucer and Henryson, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1968, 236 p. [PQ]
    • Gerke, Robert Stephan, Studies in the Tradition and Morality of Henryson's Fables, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Notre Dame, 1968, 364 p. [PQ]
    • Goldstein, Abraham, Meaning and Structure in Robert Henryson's Morall Fabillis, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 1980. [PQ]
    • Good, Julian Russell Peter, The Human Presence in Robert Henryson's Fables and William Caxton's The History of Reynard the Fox, Ph. D. thesis, University of Glasgow, 2012, [xiv] + 535 p. [gla.ac.uk]
    • Gray, Douglas, Robert Henryson, Leiden, Brill, 1979, 283 p.
      Compte rendu: Florence H. Ridley, dans Speculum, 57:3, 1982, p. 626-631. [Jstor]
    • Henderson, Arnold Clayton, Moralized Beasts: The Development of Medieval Fable and Bestiary Particularly from the Twelfth through the Fifteenth Centuries in England and France, Ph. D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1973, 297 p. [PQ]
    • Henderson, Arnold Clayton, « Animal fables as vehicles of social protest and satire: twelfth century to Henryson », Third International Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau Colloquium, Münster, 1979. Proceedings, éd. Jan Goossens et Timothy Sodmann, Köln und Wien, Bölhau (Niederdeutsche Studien, 30), 1981, p. 160-173.
    • Henderson, Arnold Clayton, « Medieval beasts and modern cages: the making of meaning in fables and bestiaries », PMLA, 97:1, 1982, p. 40-49. DOI: 10.2307/462239
    • Henderson, Arnold Clayton, « Having fun with the moralities: Henryson's Fables and late-medieval fable innovation », Studies in Scottish Literature, 32, 2001, p. 67-87.
    • Hildebrand, J., Robert Henryson's Moral Fabillis im Rahmen der mittelalterlichen und spätmittelalterlichen Tierdichtung, Ph. D. dissertation, Universität Hamburg, 1973.
    • Jack, R. D. S., « Caxton's Mirrour of the World and Henryson's "Taill of the Cock and the Jasp" », Chaucer Review, 13, 1975, p. 157-165.
    • Jamieson, Ian W. A., The Poetry of Robert Henryson: A Study of the Use of Source Material, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 1964, vii + 414 p.
    • Jamieson, Ian W. A., « Henryson's Fabillis: an essay towards a reevaluation », Words: Wai-Te Atu Studies in Literature, 2, 1966, p. 20-31.
    • Jamieson, Ian W. A., « A further source for Henryson's Fabillis », Notes and Queries, 14:1, 1967, p. 403-405.
    • Jamieson, Ian W. A., « Henryson's "Taill of the Wolf and the Wedder" », Studies in Scottish Literature, 6, 1969, p. 248-257.
    • Jamieson, Ian W. A., « The beast tale in Middle Scots: some thoughts on the history of a genre », Parergon, 2, 1972, p. 26-36.
    • Jamieson, Ian W. A., « "To preve thare preching be a poesye": some thoughts on Henryson's poetics », Parergon, 8, 1974, p. 24-36.
    • Jenkins, Anthony W., « Henryson's "The Fox, the Wolf and the Cadger" again », Studies in Scottish Literature, 4, 1966, p. 107-112.
    • Khinoy, Stephan, « Tale-moral relationships in Henryson's Moral Fables », Studies in Scottish Literature, 17, 1982, p. 99-115.
    • Kindrick, Robert L., « Lion or cat? Henryson's characterization of James III », Studies in Scottish Literature, 14, 1979, p. 123-136.
    • Kindrick, Robert L., Robert Henryson, Boston, Twayne, 1979, 214 p.
      Compte rendu: Florence H. Ridley, dans Speculum, 57:3, 1982, p. 626-631. [Jstor]
    • Kratzmann, Gregory, « Henryson's Fables: "the subtell dyte of poetry" », Studies in Scottish Literature, 20, 1985, p. 49-70.
    • Kreisler, Nicolai von, « Henryson's visionary fable: tradition and craftsmanship in The Lyoun and the Mous », Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 15:3, 1973, p. 391-403. [jstor.org]
    • Lyall, Roderick J., « Henryson and Boccaccio: a problem in the study of sources », Anglia, 99, 1981, p. 38-59.
    • McDonald, Donald, « Narrative art in Henryson's fables », Studies in Scottish Literature, 3, 1965, p. 101-113.
    • MacDonald, Donald, « Henryson and Chaucer: cock and fox », Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 8:4, 1966-1967, p. 451-461.
    • McDonald, Donald, « Chaucer's influence on Henryson's fables: the use of proverbs and sententiae », Medium Ævum, 39, 1970, p. 21-27.
    • Machan, Tim William, « Robert Henryson and father Aesop: authority in the Moral Fables », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 12, 1990, p. 193-214.
    • MacQueen, John, « The text of Henryson's Morall Fabilis », Innes Review, 14, 1963, p. 3-9.
    • MacQueen, John, Robert Henryson: A Study of the Major Narrative Poems, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1967.
    • Marlin, « Robert Henryson's Morall Fabilles: irony, allegory, and humanism in late-medieval fables », Fifteenth-Century Studies, 34, 2009, p. 139.
    • Murphy, Colette, « Discovering Henryson's fables: sentence and solace », Atti del V Colloquio della International Beast Epic, Fable and Fabliau Society, Torino–St-Vincent, 5-9 settembre 1983, éd. Alessandro Vitale-Brovarone et Gianni Mombello, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 1987, p. 229-241.
    • Murtaugh, Daniel M., « Henryson's animals », Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 14, 1972, p. 405-421.
    • Newlin, Robert, « Moral, metamorphosis, merriment: the mix of earnest and play in Henryson's Fables », Journal of British and America Studies, 17, 2007, p. 91-116. [www]
    • Newlyn, Evelyn S., « Robert Henryson and the popular fable tradition in the Middle Ages », Journal of Popular Culture, 14, 1980, p. 108-118.
    • Newlyn, Evelyn S., « Affective style in Middle Scots: the education of the reader in three fables by Robert Henryson », Nottingham Medieval Studies, 26, 1982, p. 47-56. DOI: 10.1484/J.NMS.3.104
    • Pittock, Malcolm, « Animals as people–people as animals: the beast story with special reference to Henryson's The Two Mice and The Preaching of the Swallow », Language and the Subject, éd. Karl Simms, Amsterdam et Atlanta, Rodopi (Critical Studies, 9), 1997, p. 163-172.
    • Pope, Robert, « A sly toad, physiognomy and the problem of deceit: Henryson's "The Paddock and the Mouse" », Neophilologus, 63, 1979, p. 461-468. [SL]
    • Pope, Robert, « Henryson's "The Sheep and the Dog" », Essays in Criticism, 30, 1980, p. 205-214.
    • Powell, Marianne, Fabula Docet: Studies in the Background and Interpretation of Henryson's "Morall Fabillis", Odense, Odense University Press (Odense University Studies in English, 6), 1983, 222 p.
    • Roerecke, Howard, The Integrity and Symmetry of Robert Henryson's Moral Fables, Ph. D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 1969, [iv] + 244 p. [PQ]
    • Rowlands, Mary, « The fables of Robert Henryson », Dalhousie Review, 39, 1959-1960, p. 491-502.
    • Rowlands, Mary, « Robert Henryson and the Scottish courts of law », Aberdeen University Review, 39, 1962, p. 219-226.
    • Rudd, Gillian, « Making mention of Aesop: Henryson's fable of the two mice », Translation, The Yearbook of English Studies, 36:1, 2006, p. 39-49. [jstor.org]
    • Schrader, Richard James, A Critical and Historical Study of Robert Henryson's Morall Fabillis, Ph. D. dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus, 1968, ix + 224 p. [PQ]
    • Schrader, Richard James, « Some backgrounds of Henryson », Studies in Scottish Literature, 15, 1980, p. 124-138.
    • Seiler, Thomas Henry, Devices of Brevity in the Narrative Poetry of Robert Henryson, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1975, 128 p. [PQ]
    • Smith, Greta, « Readership, the fables of the Elegiac Romulus, and the Morall Fabillis of Robert Henryson », Philological Quarterly, 94:1-2, 2015, p. 51-69.
    • Spanier, Sandra, « Structural symmetry in Henryson's "The Preaching of the Swallow" », Comitatus, 10, 1979-1980, p. 123-127.
    • Stearns, Marshall W., « A note on Robert Henryson's allusions to religion and law », Modern Language Notes, 59:4, 1944, p. 257-264.
    • Stearns, Marshall W., « A note on Henryson and Lydgate », Modern Language Notes, 60:2, 1945, p. 101-103.
    • Stearns, Marshall W., « Henryson and Chaucer », Modern Language Quarterly, 6, 1945, p. 271-284.
    • Stearns, Marshall W., Robert Henryson, New York, Columbia University Press, 1949, 155 p.
    • Sutton, Robert Francis, The Moral Fables of Robert Henryson, the Scots Makar, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1975, 502 p. [PQ]
    • Toliver, Harold, « Robert Henryson: from moralitas to irony », English Studies, 46, 1965, p. 300-309.
    • Wheatley, Edward, Mastering Aesop: Medieval Education, Chaucer, and his Followers, Gainesville etc., University Press of Florida, 2000, ix + 277 p. ISBN: 9780813017457
      Comptes rendus: John Hill, dans Envoi, 9:1, 2000, p. ??. — Charles Laneville, dans Memini. Travaux et documents, 4, 2000, p. 190-196. — H. L. Spencer, dans Review of English Studies, n. s., 53, n° 211, 2002, p. 427-429.
  2. The Testament of Cresseid

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Forme:616 vers
    Incipit:Ane doolie sessoun to ane cairfull dyte
    Suld correspond, and be equiualent.
    Richt sa it wes quhen I began to wryte
    This tragedie; the weder richt feruent…
    Explicit:… Ming not ʒour lufe with fals deceptioun;
    Beir in ʒour mynd this schort conclusioun
    Of fair Cresseid, as I haue said befoir:
    Sen scho is deid, I speik of hir no moir.
    Éditions anciennes
    1. The testament of Cresseid
      Edinburgh, Henry Charteris, 1597
      ARLIMA: EA1692   USTC: 512392   ESTC: S118127
    Éditions modernes
    • Robene and Makyne and The Testament of Cresseid; by Robert Henryson. The Following Writings of Robert Henryson; Consisting of Robene and Makyne, and of The Testament of Cresseid, Are Respectfully Dedicated and Presented to the President and Members of the Bannatyne Club, by Their Friend and Associate, Geo. Chalmers, Edinburgh, Ballantyne, 1824, xiv + 11 + 20 p. [IA]
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 73-97 et 257-262) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 1-24) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 141-168) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    • Robert Henryson, Poems, edited by Charles Elliott, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963, xxvi + 184 p.
      Compte rendu: John MacQueen, dans The Review of English Studies, 62, 1965, p. 224-225. [Jstor]
    • Robert Henryson, Testament of Cresseid, edited by Denton Fox, London, Nelson (Nelson's Medieval and Renaissance Library), 1968, viii + 166 p.
      Compte rendu: David F. C. Coldwell, dans The Review of English Studies, 79, 1969, p. 385. [Jstor]
    Traductions modernes
    • Ashwell, E. Duncan, « The role of fortune in The Testament of Cresseid », Philological Quarterly, 46, 1967, p. 471-487.
    • Benson, C. David, The History of Troy in Middle English Literature: Guido delle Colonne's "Historia Destructionis Troiae" in Medieval England, Woodbridge, Brewer; Totowa, Rowman and Littlefield, 1980, [vii] + 174 p. [IA]
    • Flannery, Mary C., « "Sum men sayis...": literary gossip and malicious intent in Robert Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », Forum for Modern Language Studies, 50:2, 2014, p. 168-181. [www]
    • Ganim, John M., Style and Consciousness in Middle English Narrative, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1983, ix + 177 p. [IA]
      • Ganim, John M., Style and Consciousness in Middle English Narrative, Princeton, Princeton University Press (Princeton Legacy Library), 2014, ix + 177 p.
    • Johnson, Lesley, « Whatever happened to Criseyde? Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », Courtly Literature: Culture and Context. Selected Papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 9-16 August, 1986, éd. Keith Busby et Erik Kooper, Amsterdam et Philadelphia, Benjamins (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature, 25), 1990, p. 313-321.
    • Mieszkowski, Gretchen, « The reputation of Criseyde 1155-1500 », Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 43, 1971, p. 71-153.
    • Patterson, Lee W., « Christian and Pagan in The Testament of Cresseid », Philological Quarterly, 52, 1973, p. 696-714.
    • Ridley, Florence, « A plea for Middle Scots », The Learned and the Lewed, éd. Larry D. Benson, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1974, p. 175-196.
    • Rowland, Beryl, « The "seiknes incurabill" in Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », English Language Notes, 1, 1964, p. 175-177.
    • Spearing, A. C., « The Testament of Cresseid and the high concise style », Speculum, 37, 1962, p. 208-225.
    • Stearns, Marshall W., « Robert Henryson and the Fulgentian horse », Modern Language Notes, 54:4, 1939, p. 239-245. DOI: 10.2307/2911979
    • Stearns, Marshall W., « The planet portraits of Robert Henryson », Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 59:4, 1944, p. 911-927. DOI: 10.2307/459320
    • Stearns, Marshall W., « Robert Henryson and the leper Cresseid », Modern Language Notes, 59:4, 1944, p. 265-269. DOI: 10.2307/2911120
    • Stephenson, William, « The acrostic "fictio" in Robert Henryson's The Testament of Cresseid (lines 58-63) », The Chaucer Review, 92:2, 1994, p. 163-175.
    • Utz, Richard, « Writing alternative worlds: rituals of authorship and authority in late medieval theological and literary discourse », Creations: Medieval Rituals, the Arts, and the Concept of Creation, éd. Nils Holger Petersen et al., Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, p. 121-138.
    • Whiting, B. J., « A probable allusion to Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », The Modern Language Review, 40, 1945, p. 46-47.
  3. Orpheus and Erudices

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    1. The traitie of Orpheus kyng and how he yeid to hewyn: to hel to seik his quene and ane othir ballad in the lattir end
      Edinburgh, Walter Chepman et Andrew Myllar, [vers 1508]
      ARLIMA: EA1693   USTC: 516150   ESTC: S115185
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 47-71 et 248-256) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 25-87) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 169-196) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    • Robert Henryson, Poems, edited by Charles Elliott, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963, xxvi + 184 p.
      Compte rendu: John MacQueen, dans The Review of English Studies, 62, 1965, p. 224-225. [Jstor]
      Édition partielle.
    Traductions modernes
    • Friedman, John Block, Orpheus in the Middle Ages, Cambridge, 1970.
    • Gros Louis, Kenneth R. R., « Robert Henryson's Orpheus and Eurydice and the Orpheus traditions of the Middle Ages », Speculum, 41:4, 1966, p. 643-655. DOI: 10.2307/2852315
    • Lyall, R. J., « Did Poliziano influence Henryson's Orpheus and Eurydices? », Forum for Modern Language Studies, 15, 1979, p. 207-221.
    • MacQueen, J., « Neoplatonism and orphism in fifteenth-century Scotland: the evidence of Henryson's New Orpheus », Scottish Studies, 20, 1976, p. 69-89.
    • Mills, C., « Romance convention and Robert Henryson's Orpheus and Eurydice », Bards and Makars, Scottish Language and Literature: Medieval and Renaissance, éd. A. J. Aitken, M. P. McDiarmid et D. S. Thomson, Glasgow, 1977, p. 52-60.
    • Rutledge, Thomas, « Robert Henryson's Orpheus and Eurydice: a Northern humanism? », Forum for Modern Language Studies, 38:4, 2002, p. 396-411. DOI: 10.1093/fmls/38.4.396
  4. Robene and Makyne

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Robene and Makyne and The Testament of Cresseid; by Robert Henryson. The Following Writings of Robert Henryson; Consisting of Robene and Makyne, and of The Testament of Cresseid, Are Respectfully Dedicated and Presented to the President and Members of the Bannatyne Club, by Their Friend and Associate, Geo. Chalmers, Edinburgh, Ballantyne, 1824, xiv + 11 + 20 p. [IA]
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 3-7 et 229-237) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 89-94) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 199-203) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
    • en anglais:
      • Laing 1865, p. 229-232 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
  5. The bludy serk

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 10-14 et 238-240) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 95-100) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 204-208) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  6. The garmont of gud ladeis

    Titre:The garmond of gude ladeis (éd. Laing); The garmont of gud ladeis (éd. Metcalfe)
    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 8-9 et 238) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 101-103) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 209-210) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  7. The prais of aige

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 21-22 et 242-243) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 104-111) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 211-212) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  8. The ressoning betwix aige and ʒowth

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 23-26 et 243-245) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 113-123) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 213-216) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  9. Oby and thank thy God of all (ou The abbay walk)

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 15-17 et 240-242) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 125-131) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 217-219) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
    • Blatt, Heather, Participatory Reading in Late-Medieval England, Manchester, Manchester University Press (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture), 2018, vii + 261 p. [oapen.org] ISBN: 978152611799, 9781526118004
      Compte rendu: Jennifer N. Brown, dans The Medieval Review, 19.12.15, 2019. [www]
  10. The ressoning betuix deth and man

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 27-29 et 245-246) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 133-138) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 220-222) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  11. Aganis haisty credence of titlaris

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 18-20 et 242) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 139-144) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 223-225) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  12. The Annunciation

    Titre:The salutation of the Virgin (éd. Laing); The Annunciation (éd. Metcalfe)
    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 33-35 et 246) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 145-148) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 226-228) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  13. Sum practysis of medecyne

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 43-46 et 248) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 149-153) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 229-232) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  14. The thre deid pollis

    Titre:The three deid powis (éd. Laing); The three deid pollis (éd. Metcalfe)
    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 30-32 et 246) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 155-160) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 233-235) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  15. Ane prayer for the pest

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 39-42 et 247-248) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 161-168) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 236-239) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
  16. The want of wyse men

    Date:XVe siècle
    Langue:Anglais (écossais)
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 36-38 et 247) [GB] [HT] [IA]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 169-174) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 240-243) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
    Traductions modernes
Répertoires bibliographiques
  • Carnes, Pack, Fable Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography, New York, Garland (Garland Folklore Bibliographies, 8; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 367), 1985, 382 p. [IA]
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