The testament of Cresseid
Titre: | |
Date: | XVe siècle |
Commanditaire: | |
Dédicataire: | |
Langue: | Anglais (écossais) |
Genre: | |
Forme: | 616 vers |
Contenu: | |
Incipit: | Ane doolie sessoun to ane cairfull dyte Suld correspond, and be equiualent. Richt sa it wes quhen I began to wryte This tragedie; the weder richt feruent… |
Explicit: | … Ming not ʒour lufe with fals deceptioun; Beir in ʒour mynd this schort conclusioun Of fair Cresseid, as I haue said befoir: Sen scho is deid, I speik of hir no moir. |
Éditions anciennes
- The testament of Cresseid
Edinburgh, Henry Charteris, 1597
Éditions modernes
- Robene and Makyne and The Testament of Cresseid; by Robert Henryson. The Following Writings of Robert Henryson; Consisting of Robene and Makyne, and of The Testament of Cresseid, Are Respectfully Dedicated and Presented to the President and Members of the Bannatyne Club, by Their Friend and Associate, Geo. Chalmers, Edinburgh, Ballantyne, 1824, xiv + 11 + 20 p. [IA]
- The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson, now first collected with notes, and a memoir of his life. By David Laing, Edinburgh, Paterson, 1865, lx + 331 p. (ici p. 73-97 et 257-262) [GB] [HT] [IA]
- The Poems of Robert Henryson, edited by G. Gregory Smith, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood (Scottish Text Society, 64, 55, 58), 1906-1914, 3 t. (ici t. 3, p. 1-24) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
- The Poems of Robert Henryson, a revised text with various readings, notes, introduction and glossary edited by W. M. Metcalfe, Paisley, Gardner, 1917, xxxi + 374 p. (ici p. 141-168) [HT: ex. 1, ex. 2] [IA]
- Robert Henryson, Poems, edited by Charles Elliott, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963, xxvi + 184 p.
Compte rendu: John MacQueen, dans The Review of English Studies, 62, 1965, p. 224-225. [Jstor]
- Robert Henryson, Testament of Cresseid, edited by Denton Fox, London, Nelson (Nelson's Medieval and Renaissance Library), 1968, viii + 166 p.
Compte rendu: David F. C. Coldwell, dans The Review of English Studies, 79, 1969, p. 385. [Jstor]
Traductions modernes
- Ashwell, E. Duncan, « The role of fortune in The Testament of Cresseid », Philological Quarterly, 46, 1967, p. 471-487.
- Benson, C. David, The History of Troy in Middle English Literature: Guido delle Colonne's "Historia Destructionis Troiae" in Medieval England, Woodbridge, Brewer; Totowa, Rowman and Littlefield, 1980, [vii] + 174 p. [IA]
- Flannery, Mary C., « "Sum men sayis...": literary gossip and malicious intent in Robert Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », Forum for Modern Language Studies, 50:2, 2014, p. 168-181. [www]
- Ganim, John M., Style and Consciousness in Middle English Narrative, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1983, ix + 177 p. [IA]
Réimpression:- Ganim, John M., Style and Consciousness in Middle English Narrative, Princeton, Princeton University Press (Princeton Legacy Library), 2014, ix + 177 p.
- Johnson, Lesley, « Whatever happened to Criseyde? Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », Courtly Literature: Culture and Context. Selected Papers from the 5th Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 9-16 August, 1986, éd. Keith Busby et Erik Kooper, Amsterdam et Philadelphia, Benjamins (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature, 25), 1990, p. 313-321.
- Mieszkowski, Gretchen, « The reputation of Criseyde 1155-1500 », Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 43, 1971, p. 71-153.
- Patterson, Lee W., « Christian and Pagan in The Testament of Cresseid », Philological Quarterly, 52, 1973, p. 696-714.
- Ridley, Florence, « A plea for Middle Scots », The Learned and the Lewed, éd. Larry D. Benson, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1974, p. 175-196.
- Rowland, Beryl, « The "seiknes incurabill" in Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », English Language Notes, 1, 1964, p. 175-177.
- Spearing, A. C., « The Testament of Cresseid and the high concise style », Speculum, 37, 1962, p. 208-225.
- Stearns, Marshall W., « Robert Henryson and the Fulgentian horse », Modern Language Notes, 54:4, 1939, p. 239-245. DOI: 10.2307/2911979
- Stearns, Marshall W., « The planet portraits of Robert Henryson », Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 59:4, 1944, p. 911-927. DOI: 10.2307/459320
- Stearns, Marshall W., « Robert Henryson and the leper Cresseid », Modern Language Notes, 59:4, 1944, p. 265-269. DOI: 10.2307/2911120
- Stephenson, William, « The acrostic "fictio" in Robert Henryson's The Testament of Cresseid (lines 58-63) », The Chaucer Review, 92:2, 1994, p. 163-175.
- Utz, Richard, « Writing alternative worlds: rituals of authorship and authority in late medieval theological and literary discourse », Creations: Medieval Rituals, the Arts, and the Concept of Creation, éd. Nils Holger Petersen et al., Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, p. 121-138.
- Whiting, B. J., « A probable allusion to Henryson's Testament of Cresseid », The Modern Language Review, 40, 1945, p. 46-47.