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United Kingdom / London / British Library / Additional


(Ms. non numérisé)


  1. (p. 24-33) King Arthur and King Cornwall, incomplet du début et de la fin
    Incipit:[le début manque]
    Saies, "Come here cuzen Gawaine so gay;
    my sisters sonne be yee…
    Explicit:… and came againe by and by.
    He put the head upon a swords point
    [la fin manque]
  2. (p. 38-46) Turke and Sir Gawain
    Incipit:Listen, lords, great and small,
    what adventures did befall…
    Explicit:… that such talking loves to heere!
    Amen for Charity!
  3. (p. 46-52) The marriage of Sir Gawain
    Incipit:Kinge Arthur lives in merry Carleile,
    and seemely is to see…
    Explicit:… />for the good chance that hapened was
    to Sir Gawaine and his lady gay.
  4. (p. 60-66) Sir Landevale
  5. (p. 125-145) Eger and Grime
    Incipit:It ffell sometimes in the land of Beame
    there dwelled a lord within that realme…
    Explicit:… I pray Iesus that wee soe may;
    bring vs the blisse that lasteth aye.
  6. (p. 210-232) Sir Tryamour
  7. (p. 296-313) Sir Eglamour of Artois
  8. (p. 317-346) Lybeaus Desconus
  9. (p. 357-368) The tale of John the Reeve
    Incipit:God! through thy might and thy mercy,
    all that loueth game and glee…
    Explicit:… that liued sometimes in the south-west countrye
       in long Edwards dayes our King.
  10. (p. 372-381) Sir Degaré
  11. (p. 384-390) Death and Liffe
    Incipit:Christ, Christen King, that on the crosse tholed,
    hadd paines and pasayons to deffend our soules…
    Explicit:… Therto, Iesu of lerusalem, grant ve thy grace,
    And saue there our howse holy for euer! Amen.
  12. (p. 444-446) The squyr of lowe degre
    Incipit:It was a squyre of lowe degre
    yt loued ye kynges doughter of hūgre…
  13. (p. 448-455) The carle of Carlisle
    Incipit:Listen to me a litle stond -
    yee shall heare of one that was sober and sound…
    Explicit:… God grant us grace itt may soe bee.
    Amen, say all, for charitye.

Description matérielle

Date:Milieu du XVIIe siècle
Nombre de feuillets: 
Format:In-folio oblong
Reliure:XVIIe siècle
Mise en page: 



  • Percy, Thomas, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of our Earlier Poets, (Chiefly of the Lyric Kind) Together with Some Few of Later Date, London, Dodsley, 1765, 3 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    Pour toutes les éditions ultérieures, voir la page consacrée à Thomas Percy.
  • Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript. Ballades and Romances. Edited by John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Trübner and Co., 1867-1868, 3 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 2:2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
  • Hanford, James Holly, et John Marcellus Steadman, Jr., « Death and Liffe: an alliterative poem », Studies in Philology, 15:3, 1918, p. 221-294. [jstor.org] [Gallica] [GB] [HT] [IA]
  • Eger and Grime: a parallel-text edition of the Percy and the Huntington-Laing versions of the romance with an introductory study by James Ralston Caldwell, Cambridge, Harvard University Press (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, 9), 1933, ix + 353 p. [IA]
  • Donatelli, Joseph, « The Percy Folio manuscript: a seventeenth-century context for medieval poetry », English Manuscript Studies, 4, 1993, p. 114-133.
  • Radulescu, Raluca L., « Ballad and popular romance in the Percy Folio », Arthurian Literature, 23, 2006, p. 68-80.
  • Catalogue en ligne de la bibliothèque
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