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United Kingdom / Lincoln / Cathedral Library

Ancienne cote:A. I. 17


Recueil de romans anglais surnommé « Thornton MS »:

  1. (f. 1r) The Prose Life of Alexander, incomplet du début
    Incipit:[le début manque] downe to þe dyke, adn thare he felle, and was alle to-frusched…
    Explicit:Here endeȝ þe lyf of gret Alexander, conquerour of alle þe worlde.
  2. (f. 49v) Note de la main de Robert de Thornton
    Texte complet:Isto die natus fuit, sancta Maria ante [Nativitatem?] domini nostri Jhesu Christi, Robertus Thornton in Ridaylle, anno Domini M° CCCC LIII.
  3. (f. 50) Pronostications météorologiques (d'une main plus récente)
  4. (f. 51r) Lamentacio peccatoris, poème en 20 quatrains (d'une main plus récente)
    Incipit:Alle crystyn men þt wawkes me bye…
  5. (f. 53r-98v) Le morte Arthur
    Incipit:Here begynnes Morte Arthure.
    Now grett glorious godd | thurghe grace of hym seluene,
    and the precyous prayere | of hys prys modyr…
    Explicit:Here endes Morte Arthure, writene by Robert of Thorthone.
    (d'une main plus récente:) R. Thornton dictus, qui scripsit sit benedictus. Amen.
  6. (f. 98va-109rb) Octavyane, version septentrionale
    Incipit:Here by-gynnes the Romance off Octavyane.
    Mekylle and littille, olde and ȝynge,
    herkyns alle to my talkynge…
  7. (f. 109r-114v) The romance off syr Ysambrace
    Incipit:Here begynnes the Romance off Syr Ysambrace.
    Jhesu Xρ'c, Lorde of heuene kynge,
    graunte vs alle his dere blyssynge…
    Explicit:Explicit Syr Ysambrace.
  8. (f. 114v-122r) Ye Romance off Dyoclicyane ye Emperour & ye Erle Beradeo of Tholous, and of ye Emprice Beaulilione, incomplet de la fin
    Incipit:Here bygynnes ye Romance off Dyoclicyane ye Emperour & ye Erle Beradeo of Tholous, and of ye Emprice Beaulilione.
    Jhesu Criste, God and Lorde in Trynyte,
    onely god and persones thre…
  9. (f. 122v) Ye lyffe of ye Story of [S]ainte Cristofre, récit de la vie de saint Christophe en sizains
    Incipit:[Her]e bygynnes ye lyffe of ye Story of [S]ainte Cristofre.
    Lordynges, if it be ȝowre wille,
    and ȝe wille here, and holde ȝow still…
    Explicit:Explicit vita sancti Christofori. Thorntone.
  10. (f. 130r-138v) Syr Degreuance
    Incipit:Syr Degreuance.
    Jhesu, Lorde in Trynite
    graunte þam heuene for to see…
    Explicit:Explicit Syr Degreuaunt.
  11. (f. 138v-147r) Syr Eglamour of Artasse
    Incipit:Incipit Syr Eglamour of Artasse.
    Jhesu, þt es heuens kyng,
    gyff vs alle his blyssyng…
  12. (f. 147r) De miraculo beate Marie, miracle d'un mauvais chevalier qui quitte le péché grâce à l'intervention d'un frère
    Incipit:De miraculo beate Marie.
    Jhesu, Lorde in Trinyte,
    þt was, and es, and aye schalle be…
  13. (f. 148rb-149r) Lyarde
    Incipit:Lyarde es ane olde horse & may noght wele drawe,
    he sall be putt into þe parke holyn for to gnawe…
    Explicit:… Thus endis Lyarde at þe laste worde;
    yf a man thynke mekill, kepe somewhate in horde.
    Here endys Lyarde.
  14. (f. 149r) Tomas off Ersseldoune
    Incipit:Tomas off Ersseldoune.
    Lystyns, lordynges, bothe grete and smale…
    Explicit:Explicit Thomas of Erseledownne.
  15. (f. 154r) The awntyrs of Arthure at the Terne-Wathelyne
    Incipit:Here by-gynnes the Awntyrs of Arthure at the Terne-Wathelyne.
  16. (f. 161r-176r) The romance off Syr Perecyuelle of Gales
    Incipit:Here bygynnes the Romance off Syr Perecyuelle of Gales.
    Lef, lythes to me,
    two wordes or thre…
  17. (f. 176r) Trois charmes contre le mal de dent
  18. (f. 176v) Epistola Sancti Salvatoris
  19. (f. 176v) Prière en latin, avec un prologue en anglais
  20. (f. 177v) A preyere off the fyve joyes of oure Lady [in] ynglys, and of the fyve sorowes
  21. (f. 178r) Psalmus, Voce mea ad Dominus clamaui
  22. (f. 178r) Here bygynnys fyve prayers to the wirchipe of the fyve wondys of oure Lorde Jhesu Cryste, en latin
  23. (f. 178v) Oracio in ynglys
  24. (f. 178v) A colett to oure lady Saynt Marye, en latin
  25. (f. 178v) Oracio in modo collecte, pro amico
  26. (f. 178v) Antiphona sancti Leonardi, cum collecta
  27. (f. 179) The previte off the Passioune of owre lorde Jhesu
    Incipit:Here begynnes the previte off the Passioune of owre lorde Jhesu.
    Who so desyres to fynd comforthe and gostely gladnes…
    Explicit:Explicit Bonauenture de Misteriis Passionis Jhesu Christi.
  28. (f. 189) Tractatus Willielmi Nassyngtone, quondam Aduocati Juris Eboraci, de Trinitate et Vnitate, cum declaracione operum Dei, et de passione domini nostri Jhesu Christi
    Incipit:Incipit tractatus Willielmi Nassyngtone, quondam Aduocati Juris Eboraci, de Trinitate et Vnitate, cum declaracione operum Dei, et de passione domini nostri Jhesu Christi.
    A, Lord God of myghtes maste, Fadere and Sone, and Haly Gaste,
    Fader, for þu ert almyghty, sone for thow ert alle wytty…
  29. (f. 191v) Trois prières en vers
  30. (f. 192) Of the vertuȝ of the haly name of Jhesu, traduction du commentaire de Richard Hampole de l'Oleum effusum nomen tuum…
  31. (f. 193v) A tale þat Richerde Hermet [made]
    Incipit:When I hade takene my syngulere purpos, and lefte þe seculere habyte…
  32. (f. 193v) A prayere þat þe same Richerde Hermet made, þt es beried at Hampulle, en latin
  33. (f. 193v) Ympnus, quem composuit Sanctus Ambrosyus
  34. (f. 194) De imperfecta contricione
    Incipit:Rycherde hermyte reherces a dredfulle tale…
  35. (f. 194) Moralia Richardi heremite, de natura apis
    Incipit:The bee has three kyndis…
  36. (f. 194) De vita cuiusdam puelle incluse propter amorem Christi
    Incipit:Alswa Heraclides, þe clerke, telles…
    Explicit:… Richerd heremyte reherces þis tale in ensampille.
  37. (f. 195) Deux extraits latins tirés de Richardus Herymyta
    Incipit:Alswa Heraclides, þe clerke, telles…
  38. (f. 195) A notabille tretys off the ten Comandementys, drawene by Richerde the hermyte off Hampulle
    Incipit:The fyrste comandement es, Thy Lorde God þu salle loute…
  39. (f. 196) Idem de septem donis Spiritu Sancti. Also of þe gyftes of the Haly Gaste
  40. (f. 196v) Idem de dilectacione in Deo. Also of þe same, delyte and ȝernyng of Gode
  41. (f. 197-209) Edmund of Abingdon, The myrrour of seynt Edmonde, þe ersebechope of Canterberye
    Incipit:Incipit Speculum sancti Edmundi, Cantuar. archiepiscopi, in Anglicis. Here begynnys the Myrrour of seynt Edmonde, þe ersebechope of Canterberye.
    Videte vocacionem vestram. This wordes sayse saynte Paule…
  42. (f. 209v) Tractatus de dominica oracione
    Incipit:In alle the wordes þat er stabilled…
  43. (f. 211) Prière à Jésus-Christ, en quatrains
    Incipit:Jhesu Criste, saynte Marye sonne…
    Explicit:… Explicit. Amen. Thorntone. Amen.
  44. (f. 211v) Prière à la Trinité, en sizains
    Incipit:Fadir and Sone and Haly Gaste…
  45. (f. 212) Prière à Jésus-Christ
    Incipit:Jhesu Criste, Goddes sune of heuene…
  46. (f. 212) Meditacione of þe fyve woundes of oure Lorde Jhesu Criste, en latin
    Incipit:Incipit a meditacione of þe fyve woundes of oure Lorde Jhesu Criste.
  47. (f. 212v) A meditacione of the Crosse of Criste, en latin
    Explicit:… R. Thorntone dictus, qui scripsit sit benedictus. Amen.
  48. (f. 213) Poème moral en quatrains
    Incipit:When Adam dalfe and Eue spane | Go spire, if þu may spede,
    whare was þane þe pride of mane | þat nowe merres his mede…
  49. (f. 213v) Poème de six vers, peut-être composé par Thorton lui-même
    Incipit:Jhesu Criste, have mercy one me…
  50. (f. 213v) A sermone þat Dane Joh'n Gaytrygge made, þe whilke teches how scrifte es to be made, and whare of, and in scrifte how many thyngeȝ solde be consederide
    Incipit:Here begynnes a sermone þat Dane Joh'n Gaytrygge made, þe whilke teches how scrifte es to be made, and whare of, and in scrifte how many thyngeȝ solde be consederide.
    Als a grett doctour schewes in his buke…
  51. (f. 219) Hymne à Jésus-Christ, en quatrains
    Incipit:Jhesu, thi swetnes wha moghte it se…
  52. (f. 219v) Traité religieux, en prose
    Incipit:Dere frende, wit þu wele, þat þe ende and þe soueraynte of perfeccione…
  53. (f. 222) Poème moral, incomplet de la fin (à cause de la perte d'un feuillet)
    Incipit:Þi joy be ilke a dele to serue thi Godd to paye…
  54. (f. 223) Traité sur la vie active et contemplative, incomplet du début
    Incipit:[le début manque] menne þat ware in prelacye, and oþer also þat ware haly temporalle menne…
  55. (f. 229v) Traité religieux, en prose
    Incipit:Wit thou wele, dere frende, þat þof þou had neuer done syne…
  56. (f. 231) Of sayne Joh'n þe euaungelist, poème allitératif en strophes de 14 vers
    Incipit:Of alle mankynde þat he mande, þat maste es of myghte,
    and of þe molde merkede and mesured that tyde…
  57. (f. 233v) Traité en prose sur la prière
    Incipit:Prayng es a gracyous gyfte of owre Lorde Godd…
  58. (f. 240) De gracia Dei
    Incipit:Off Goddis grace stirrand and helpand…
  59. (f. 250v-258r) Quedam reuelacio [= A revelation of purgatory]
    Incipit:Hic incipit quedam reuelacio. A reuelacyone schewede to ane holy womane now one late tyme.
    Alle manere of thyng þat es by-gunne…
  60. (f. 258) Deux hymnes en latin
  61. (f. 258v) Sayne Jerome Spaltyre, en latin
  62. (f. 258v) Prières latines
  63. (f. 271) Religio Sancti Spiritus religio munda [= The Abbaye of Saynte Spirite]
    Incipit:Off the Abbaye of Saynte Spirite, that es in a place that es callede Conscyence. A, dere brothir and systirs…
  64. (f. 276v) Poème religieux
    Incipit:The begynnyng es of thre…
  65. (f. 277v) Iste oracio que sequitur est de VII gaudia [sic] beate Marie virginis, per sanctum Thomam et martirem, Cantuariensem episcopum edita
  66. (f. 277v) Anoþer salutacioune tille oure Lady, of hir fyve joyes, en latin
  67. (f. 278) Ane antyme to þe Fadir of heuene, wt a Colett, en latin
  68. (f. 278) Anoþer anteme of þe passyoune of Criste Jhesu, en latin
  69. (f. 278) A colecte of grete pardone oon to Crist Jhesu, en latin
  70. (f. 278v) Hymne à Jésus-Christ, en latin (inscrit au-dessus: « Thortone. Misereatur mei Deus! »)
  71. (f. 278v) A preyere to þe wounde in Crystis syde, en latin
  72. (f. 279) Memento, homo, quod sinis es, poème en quatrains monorimes
    Incipit:Erthe owte of erth: es wondirly wroghte,
    erthe hase getyn one erthe: a dignyte of noghte…
  73. (f. 280-314v) Liber de diversis medicinis, incomplet de la fin
    Incipit:Hic incipit liber de diuersis medicinis, et primo, pro capite.
    For werke and vanyte ine þe hede…

Description matérielle

Lieu:Robert de Thornton et autres
Date:Fin du XIVe ou début du XVe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:247
Format:260 × 183 mm
Reliure:Ais de boisRefaite entre 1832 et 1839 aux frais de F. Madden
Mise en page: 
Décoration:Initiales historiées et bordures
Notes:Selon Madden, le ms. contenait 314 f. en 1839.


  • Robert de Thornton, XVe siècle, qui a annoté le ms.
  • « Edward Thornton », signature au bas du f. 194r (fin du XVe ou début du XVIe siècle)
  • « Dorythy Thornton », signature en marge du f. 266r (XVIe siècle)


  • Syr Gawayne; a Collection of Ancient Romance-Poems, by Scotish and English Authors, Relating to that Celebrated Knight of the Round Table, with an introduction, notes, and a glossary. By Sir Frederic Madden, London, Taylor, 1839, lxix + 431 p. (ici p. l-lviii) [GB] [IA]
  • Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. (Cir. 1440) in the Lincoln Cathedral Library by George G. Perry, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 26), 1867, xii + 106 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Morte Arthure, or The Death of Arthur. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral by Edmund Brock. A new edition, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1871, xix + 208 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    Édition antérieure:
    • Morte Arthure. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. (ab. 1440 A. D.) in the library of Lincoln Cathedral, by George G. Perry, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1865, xx + 144 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • 1898
    • 1904
    • Morte Arthure, or The Death of Arthur. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral by Edmund Brock. A new edition, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1937, xix + 208 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Morte Arthure, or The Death of Arthur. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral by Edmund Brock. A new edition, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1937, xix + 208 p. [GB] [IA]
  • The Prose Life of Alexander, from the Thornton MS. edited by J. S. Westlake, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, and Co., et Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 143), 1913, [vii] + 115 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • The Thornton Manuscript (Lincoln Cathedral MS. 91), edited by Derek S. Brewer and A. E. B. Owen, London, The Scolar Press, 1977.
  • Keiser, George, « The nineteenth-century Discovery of the Thornton manuscript (Lincoln Cathedral Library MS. 91) », Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 77, 1983, p. 169-190.
  • Thompson, John J., « The compiler in action: Robert Thornton and the Thornton romances in Lincoln Cathedral MS 91 », Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteenth-Century England: The Literary Implications of Manuscript Study, éd. Derek Pearsall, Cambridge, 1983, p. 113-124.
  • Hülsmann, Friedrich, « The watermarks of four late medieval manuscripts containing The Erle of Tolous », Notes and Queries, n. s., 32:1, 1985, p. 11-12. DOI: 10.1093/nq/32-1-11
  • Thomson, R. M., Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Lincoln Cathedral Chapter Library, Woodbridge, Brewer, 1989, xxvi + 277 p. + [54] p. de pl.
  • The Prose Alexander of Robert Thornton: the Middle English text with modern English translation edited and translated by Julie Chappell, New York, Peter Lang (American University Studies. Series 4: English Language and Literature, 131), 1992, x + 291 p.
  • Johnston, Michael Robert, The Sociology of Middle English Romance: Three Late Medieval Compilers, Ph. D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 2007, xv + 452 p. [ohiolink.edu]
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