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The Troy book

Œuvre de John Lydgate


Date:Premier quart du XVe siècle
Forme:Environ 30000 vers
  1. Cambridge, Trinity College Library, O. 5. 2, f. 38r-190r [⇛ Description]
  2. London, British Library, Royal, 18. D. II
  3. New York, Morgan Library, M.876, f. 1r-102v [⇛ Description]
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • Lydgate's Troy Book. A. D. 1412-20. Edited from the best manuscripts with introduction, notes, and glossary by Henry Bergen, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 97, 103, 106; Extra Series, 126), 1906-1935, 4 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
  • John Lydgate, Troy Book: Selections, edited by Robert R. Edwards, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications (TEAMS Middle English Texts), 1998, x + 430 p. [metseditions.org] ISBN: 9781879288997
Traductions modernes
  • Alamichel, Marie-Françoise, « Les guerres antiques: une route vers la paix dans le Troy Book et le Siege of Thebes de John Lydgate », Fiat pax. Le désir de paix dans la littérature médiévale, éd. Peter Andersen, Fanny Moghaddassi et Muriel Ott, Colloques Fabula, 2023. [fabula.org]
  • Albert, Franz, Über Thomas Heywoods "The Life and Death of Hector," eine Neubearbeitung von Lydgates "Troy Book", Leipzig, Deichert (Münchener Beiträge zur romanischen und englischen Philologie, 42), 1909, xi + 185 p. [GB] [IA]
    Édition antérieure:
    • Albert, Franz, Über Thomas Heywoods "The Life and Death of Hector," eine Neubearbeitung von Lydgates "Troy Book", Kirchhain N.-L., Schmersow, 1908, 36 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Arner, Timothy D., Trojan Wars: Genre and the Politics of Authorship in Late Medieval and Early Modern England, Ph. D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, 2007, ix + 224 p. [libraries.psu.edu]
  • Atwood, E. Bagby, « Some minor sources of Lydgate's Troy Book », Studies in Philology, 35:1, 1938, p. 25-42. [jstor.org]
  • Benson, C. David, The History of Troy in Middle English Literature: Guido delle Colonne's "Historia Destructionis Troiae" in Medieval England, Woodbridge, Brewer; Totowa, Rowman and Littlefield, 1980, [vii] + 174 p. [IA]
  • Bergen, Henry, Description and Genealogy of the Manuscripts and Prints of Lydgate's "Troy Book", London, Clay and Sons, 1906, 77 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Edwards, Robert R., « Lydgate's Troy Book and the confusion of prudence », The North Sea World in the Middle Ages: Studies in the Cultural History of North-Western Europe, éd. Thomas R. Liszka et Lorna E. M. Walker, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2001.
  • Fewer, Colin, « John Lydgate's Troy Book and the ideology of prudence », The Chaucer Review, 38, 2004, p. 229-245.
  • Lawton, Lesley, « The illustration of late medieval secular texts with special reference to Lydgate's Troy Book », Manuscripts and Readers in Fifteenth-Century England, éd. Derek Pearsall, Cambridge, 1983, p. 41-69.
  • Perkins, Nicholas, The Gift of Narrative in Medieval England, Manchester, Manchester University Press (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture), 2021, x + 270 p. ISBN: 9781526139917
    Compte rendu: Timothy S. Miller, dans The Medieval Review, 22.08.17, 2022. [www]
  • Shutters, Lynn, « Truth, translation, and the Troy Book women », Comitatus, 32, 2001, p. 69-98.
  • Simon-Jones, Lindsey, « Mischief in masculinity: gender in John Lydgate's Troy Book », Medieval Feminist Forum, 48:2, 2013, p. 43-67. DOI: 10.17077/1536-8742.1928
  • Strohm, Paul, « Storie, spelle, geste, romaunce, tragedie: generic distinctions in the Middle English Troy narratives », Speculum, 46:2, 1971, p. 348-359. DOI: 10.2307/2854860
  • Whitehead, Tammy Y., The Illustrations of Lydgate's "Troy Book": The Visual Revitalization of a Literary Tradition in Fifteenth-Century England, Ph. D. dissertation, Florida State University College of Arts and Sciences, 2015, vi + 178 p. [flvc.org]
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/11244

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q7846769
> DIMEV: 3995
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